
Review Copies


As of December 11, 2023, the Horn Book has a new galley submission process.  

The Horn Book Magazine, a bimonthly publication, reviews children’s and young adult books that are published in the United States. Publishers should send submissions of appropriate new titles in advance of publication date (preferably three months).

Our improved method of submission offers publishers email receipt of titles submitted to the Horn Book and email notification of any issues with submissions. To submit titles, you need to be added to our system. Please use this link to access the sign-up form and create an account. You will receive an email from HB-DoNotReply at with a link in the email body. It can take up to two business days for our system to send you the email, but you may receive it much sooner. Click the link and follow the instructions. Once set, you will be redirected to a personal folder where you will be able to securely upload PDF files to our book room. Please bookmark this site.

You can then begin using the new book room. We have made a quick-start guide and a more detailed set of instructions on how to use and navigate the book room. If you encounter any issues, please reach out to us at BookRoomHelp at When emailing, please specify that your question is for The Horn Book in the subject and/or body of your message.

The Magazine reviews books very selectively, approximately one hundred titles an issue, and generally considers titles notable for high standards in plot, theme, characterization, and style. Board books and original paperbacks are occasionally reviewed.

Our editorial team is now working fully remotely. Some important information:

  • Non-book mail may be sent to: The Horn Book Inc., 7001 Discovery Boulevard, Suite 100, Dublin, OH 43017
  • Optional: You may send ONE print/ARC copy for use by both the Horn Book and the Center for the Study of Children's Literature to:  

Simmons University, 300 The Fenway, Main College Building, Suite A-375
ATTN: Center for the Study of Children's Literature and THB
Boston, MA 02115


The Horn Book Magazine accepts article submissions.

Articles submitted to The Horn Book Magazine should be of a critical nature on some aspect of children’s literature and should be no longer than 1600 words in length. Potential contributors are advised to have a solid familiarity with The Horn Book Magazine before submitting manuscripts. “Cadenza” submissions — witty commentaries, send-ups, poems, sketches, comics, cartoons, etc. — should be approximately 350 words (text) or fit on a 6-by-9-inch page (art). Please allow six months for a decision about acceptance. Payment is sent upon publication. The magazine does not publish fiction, nor does it publish work by children. Submissions must be original, unpublished works that have not been simultaneously submitted. Submissions may be sent via email to magazine at using the subject line “Article Submission.” 

Boston Globe–Horn Book Award

Complete details can be found at Boston Globe–Horn Book Award Submission Guidelines.


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