When is The Horn Book Magazine published?
The Horn Book Magazine is published six times a year, in January, March, May, July, September, and November.
How do I submit books for review?
All PDFs for review consideration must be submitted, prior to publication date, via our digital submission platform. Please visit our submissions page for the full instructions on how to submit titles.
How do I submit an article for The Horn Book Magazine?
Articles submitted should be of a critical nature on some aspect of children’s literature and should be no longer than 1600 words. Potential contributors are advised to have a solid familiarity with The Horn Book Magazine before submitting manuscripts. Please allow four months for a decision about acceptance. Payment is received upon publication. The magazine does not publish fiction, nor does it publish work by children. To submit an article send via email to magazine at hbook.com.
Who are the reviewers?
Go to our masthead page for a list of our current reviewers.
How can I be a reviewer?
The Horn Book, Inc. considers applications from potential book reviewers. Candidates should have a thorough knowledge of youth literature, ideally with specific subject or genre expertise, and professional experience working with children and books, along with excellent writing skills. The Horn Book is committed to equal opportunity and diversity in employment. Cover letter, resume, and relevant writing samples should be emailed to: magazine at hbook.com.
How do I get permission to reprint an article or review?
Email Rebecca Miller at rmiller@mediasourceinc.com with your request.
Who subscribes to the Horn Book’s publications?
Most of our subscribers are professionals who work with younger readers: librarians and educators. We are also read by artists and writers, scholars, graduate students, and parents.
How do I purchase a new subscription?
Visit our subscription page. You can also reach us by phone at 1-800-325-1170; via fax at 1-760-738-4805; or via mail at The Horn Book Inc., 7001 Discovery Boulevard, Suite 100, Dublin, OH 43017.
My subscription has expired. How do I renew?
Visit our subscription page. You can also reach us by phone at 1-800-325-1170; via fax at 1-760-738-4805; or via mail at The Horn Book Inc., 7001 Discovery Boulevard, Suite 100, Dublin, OH 43017.
How do I cancel or change the address of my subscription?
You can reach us at 1-800-325-1170; via fax at 1-760-738-4805; via email at: subscribe@hbook.com; or via mail at Horn Book Customer Service, 7001 Discovery Boulevard, Suite 100, Dublin, OH 43017.
Where can I purchase the current issue?
A number of bookstores carry The Horn Book Magazine. If you can’t find a local bookstore on our US/Canada vendor list (PDF), please call us at 1-800-325-1170.
Why do you call yourself The Horn Book? What is a horn book?
According to Bertha Mahony Miller’s first Horn Book Magazine editorial, in 1924, the mission of The Horn Book is to “blow the horn for fine books for boys and girls.” In the sixteenth century, English monks taught students to read by using a wooden paddle with an alphabet and a verse glued to the surface. These early children’s books, known as hornbooks, derived their name from the piece of transparent horn protecting the verse.
Is the full text of The Horn Book Magazine or Guide/Reviews Database available on this website?
The full text of The Horn Book Magazine, current or past, is not available on this website, but sample reviews, editorials, articles, and columns are posted throughout the Horn Book, Inc. site. Reviews dating back to the year 2000 are available in the Guide/Reviews Database, accessible anytime with a subscription.
What is Fanfare?
Chosen by Horn Book editors, Fanfare is the Horn Book’s selection of the best children’s and young adult books of the year. Published annually since 1938, with a few exceptions, the list currently appears in the January/February issue of The Horn Book Magazine.
What is the Boston Globe–Horn Book Award?
Awarded annually since 1967, the Boston Globe–Horn Book Award for Excellence in Children’s Literature honors outstanding titles in three categories: Fiction and Poetry, Nonfiction, and Picture Book.
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