The Little Red Cat Who Ran Away and Learned His ABC's (the Hard Way)

The other day in the grocery store I overheard one woman explaining to another why she thought calculus was ridiculous: "You can’t add letters." True enough, and it led me to pondering one of my favorite time-twiddling questions: why is the alphabet in the order it is?

There is no real reason b should follow a beyond the fact that our general agreement to an alphabetical order allows things like libraries to flourish, and because it allows for the existence of today’s Calling Caldecott candidate, Patrick McDonnell’s — take a deep breath now — The Little Red Cat Who Ran Away and Learned His ABC’s (the Hard Way).

Our titular hero, awakening from a nap to notice a door left wide open, runs outside and immediately finds himself headed straight toward the gaping jaws of an alligator. But is that a threat or a greeting? The book is essentially wordless, so we don’t know, but off they go, soon joined in the race/chase by a bear and a chicken, who, surprised by a dragon, drops an egg. That the egg becomes an active member of the team is just one of the flourishes McDonnell bestows offhandledly; another is when a single page-turn takes the five from slipping on a wintry pond of ice to vine-swinging, Tarzan-style, in a great green jungle (except the egg, being armless, runs along on the ground below. Well of course it has legs).

The slenderest of plots emerges around the h page, when the cat starts getting homesick, but the real story here is the left-to-right race across each page or spread, and the funny surprises provided by the page-turns. McDonnell keeps everything pared down, with light washes and pertinent bits of landscape there just to foreground the zippy and expert pen-and-ink that provides character, action, and emotion. It’s all about the line work here, as the little red cat, his tail sometimes doing double duty as an exclamation point, roars from page to page displaying excitement, trepidation, determination, and affection for his new-found friends. And friends they are — on the n and o double-page spread the dragon appears to shout  “Nnnnnnnn Oooooooo!” when the other five accidentally run off a cliff (offering one of those witty page-turns, as the orientation of the next spread becomes vertical and the characters sprout parachutes).

I love a book that offers readers so much to do. Beyond figuring out what, for instance, the s is standing for, kids, unguided by text, will have to work out what’s going on in the story, and the narrative trajectory is just Dada enough (a unicorn?) to make it not too simple. The book is not for children learning their ABCs; it’s for those who are now ready, like the little red cat, to run with them.

Read the Horn Book Magazine review of The Little Red Cat Who Ran Away and Learned His ABC's (The Hard Way).
Roger Sutton
Roger Sutton

Editor Emeritus Roger Sutton was editor in chief of The Horn Book, Inc., from 1996-2021. He was previously editor of The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books and a children's and young adult librarian. He received his MA in library science from the University of Chicago in 1982 and a BA from Pitzer College in 1978.

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Monica Edinger

Ditto for all the accolades for this title, so remarkably clever in such a spare way. I don't know if the Committee is allowed to consider this, but I've always been struck by McDonnell's clear homage to the wonderful comic Krazy Kat and just did some poking around. I learned that its creator Herriman was mixed race and brought that into his work (strip ran from 1913 to 1944) and also about the gender fluidity going on in it as well. Pretty darn cool, I'd say. My post about it is here:

Posted : Dec 16, 2017 12:52

Sam Juliano

"Joe’s words resonate with me, but this one is my tippy-top favorite." Thanks for sharing that Julie. I admire your bravery greatly. I am torn and I am cowardly to number my top 10, but this book without any shadow of a doubt belongs near the top. What I didn't say in my other comments above I will now add here. First off, I DO consider this as my favorite alphabet book ever, and we've had some masterpieces like "Ashanti to Zulu," "On Market Street, " "Alphabet City" and "A Graphic Alphabet." Before Mr. McDonnell changed the alphabet landscape with this witty and imaginative foray into 26 letter immersion, I held the Lobel as my favorite with the Dillon's collaboration as runner-up. Looking back through the years, it is clear that the Caldecott committees are generally warm to alphabet books of high artisty and creativity. Hence I would think this book will get serious scrutiny, though the results of course are anyone's guess. I also love McDonnell's mastery of minutiae. He is in that rarified company of Peter Spier, Peter Sis and Anno, in this delicate propensity. This is some master craftsman, and as much as I really love "Me....Jane" and support its Caldecott Honor, I think this is his piece de resistance.

Posted : Dec 13, 2017 08:03

Julie Danielson

Joe's words resonate with me, but this one is my tippy-top favorite. So much is going on, as everyone has already pointed out, yet it's never too busy and never clever just for clever's sake. Flawless.

Posted : Dec 13, 2017 05:35

Martha V. Parravano

Also check out the two Ls in McDonnell's name and how they look very similar to the little red cat's tail!

Posted : Dec 13, 2017 05:16

Martha Parravano

Cherylynn, I completely agree! And that Nn Oo spread is probably one of the cleverest things I've ever seen in an alphabet book. I also am in awe of its sheer propulsiveness as an ABC book -- it can't be easy to turn the alphabet into a headlong rush of an adventure :). The circularity is so satisfying -- I love the very faint nod to The Wizard of Oz (with the king and princess - the character with agency, you note! -- bestowing the way for the little red cat to get home) -- and that plus the amount of emotion and drama this book packs in makes it stand apart. I really do hope the Caldecott committee takes a Ccareful Llook!

Posted : Dec 13, 2017 04:29

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