Boston Teen Author Festival coming soon

Boston Teen Author Festival is the first event of its kind to hit the streets of Boston. Hosted by Undergraduate Students for Publishing at Emerson College, fifteen local young adult authors will grace the halls of the Walker Building located on 120 Boylston Street. I've been planning this event all summer with co-founder Renee Combs, and it's surreal that it's finally coming together.

Renee and I share a  passion for YA and believe it's important to connect fans with the authors of stories they adore. After attending the Teen Author Carnival in New York City, we were inspired to bring a similar festival experience to Boston. And what better time to celebrate teen literature than right after Boston's most literary event, the Boston Book Festival?

Boston Teen Author Festival will be held October 28th from 1–6pm at 216 Tremont Street. Kicking off with a reception, attendees will be able to mingle with the authors for the first hour and purchase books supplied by the Emerson College Barnes and Noble. From 2–4pm, attendees will have the opportunity to attend two of four panels based on themes in the authors' latest works. The panel topics include humor writing, contemporary and historical, paranormal and fantasy, and mystery and suspense. The festival will culminate in a large book signing, giving everyone a chance to meet the brains behind the words!

Authors participating include A.C. Gaughen, Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, Caitlin Kittredge, Daniel Waters, Diana Renn, Erin Dionne, Huntley Fitzpatrick, Jack Ferraiolo, Karsten Knight, Laurie Stolarz, Leigh Fallon, Marissa Doyle, Steven Goldman, Susan Carlton, and Wendy Wunder. If that’s not incentive enough, there will be refreshments and free swag for all attendees!

Visit our website for more details and to preregister (for non-Emerson attendees). Hope to see you there!
Marisa Finkelstein

Marisa Finkelstein was a Horn Book intern in the fall of 2012, and is now a senior production editor at Little, Brown Books for Young Readers.

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