Book Request Haiku

All I know is that
The toad takes some kind of bath
And lives forever.
(Tuck Everlasting)

My teacher read it
To show why we should always
Listen to spiders.
(Charlotte’s Web)

The illustrations
Showed corks growing in bunches
Like fruit on the trees.
(The Story of Ferdinand)

A single gold tooth,
One of them had, but neither
Of them wore a shirt.
(George and Martha)

You know the one where
The police officers
Look like (ahem) pigs?
(Sylvester and the Magic Pebble)

Mother and father
Left him all alone and then
A lion ate him.

There’s a bird in it
And you’re not supposed to let
Him do anything.
(Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus)

Rebecca Donnelly
Children's librarian Rebecca Donnelly was inspired to write these haiku after years of fileding cryptic book requests from patrons.
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Charles Waters

JUST FOR YOU Feast your eyes, ears, mouth On carnivals, edibles, Music for your soul. (Forget-Me-Nots) THE DOCTOR IS IN Afro rumbles like black clouds thundering down for A tomahawk dunk! (The Rise and Rise of Julius Erving)

Posted : Jan 24, 2013 08:34

Debby Garfinkle

That scrotum novel. Scrotum's all I know. Scrotum. Oh. Maybe an award? (The Higher Power of Lucky)

Posted : Dec 29, 2012 05:23

Debby Garfinkle

It's like Survivor. But you don't vote people off. You kill other kids. (Hunger Games)

Posted : Dec 29, 2012 04:45

Buffy Silverman

Amphibian pals: One slender, sleek, and sunny; One rough, tough, and gruff. (Frog and Toad are Friends)

Posted : Dec 27, 2012 09:46

Linda Armstrong

A girl follows a talking rabbit underground right into magic. (Alice in Wonderland)

Posted : Dec 27, 2012 03:15

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