
Two new entries (both August) in Little Simon’s A Classic Board Book series, which repackages well-known picture books as board books, are on opposite ends of the adaptation spectrum.

Emily Gravett’s Orange Pear Apple Bear makes by far the more natural translation. Gravett’s spare text, ample white space, humor, and eye-pleasing illustrations in a soft palette transfer perfectly into the new format. Yes, it’s half the size of the original, but without any crowding, color problems, or content changes; everything is sized down to fit the smaller trim. It works so well one might think the story was first conceived as a board book.

The decision to publish Judi and Ron Barrett’s Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs as a board book, however, is bizarre. The lengthy original text—intended for elementary-aged kids—is unabridged, so adults will need a magnifying glass just to read the print. The colors in Ron Barrett’s illustrations are garishly brighter, and his detailed hatch work gets squished when condensed, looking like TV static.

Why, then, re-release Cloudy as a board book for toddlers?

If Little Simon’s series, self-described as “Classic Books for Little Hands,” was really intended for small children, then Cloudy would never have made the cut. Is Little Simon trying to cater to that present-buying audience who want to get classic books in children’s hands as soon as they’re born…even if they’re not age appropriate?

Are they hoping to attract parents who want smaller, sturdier, and cheaper versions of hardcover picture books? A paperback edition would work better; it’s lighter and, while less durable, similar in cost to the board book and in size to the original.

The board book could very well end up the last great hold-out in the e-book revolution, since parents probably won’t want toddlers chewing on their iPads and iPhones. These books provide publishers with a format to produce physical books that people will buy. But well-conceived original board books, which are suited to a toddler’s developmental needs and attention span, are untested. An adaptation of a known (i.e., saleable) quantity is a safer and hopefully more profitable bet.

The real question is whether consumers should buy them or not. What do you think?

For more on successful board books, see Betty Carter and Viki Ash’s “What Makes a Good Baby Shower Book?” from the May/June 2011 Horn Book Magazine.
Cynthia K. Ritter
Cynthia K. Ritter

Cynthia K. Ritter is managing editor of The Horn Book, Inc. She earned a master's degree in children's literature from Simmons University. She served on the 2019 Boston Globe–Horn Book Award committee.

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Choosing Board Books Thoughtfully | Going on a Book Hunt

[…] board book release of “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs,” Horn Book contributing editor Cynthia Ritter suggested that publishers are catering to “parents who want smaller, sturdier, and cheaper versions of […]

Posted : Apr 01, 2014 03:48


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Posted : Jan 19, 2012 01:24


I do agree with everyone about Cloudy as a board book but I want to add a new twist to the question. I attended a workshop a few years ago where the presented posited that the longer, adapted from picture books board books are useful when working with children with disabilities. Some children with cerebral palsy and other motor disabilities often find conventional books difficult to hold and manipulate. Board books can give them a way to experience some of the "good ones" for themselves. Do I think publishers are producing board books from picture books meant for older readers for this reason? Absolutely not, but whatever works, no?

Posted : Sep 19, 2011 05:08


@Abby, yes. I think It's a Little Book does a great job of actually being a book for babies and toddlers and engaging them with humor at their level. It does so by being basically a completely different book from the original It's a Book, which is mostly a great picture book for grownups.

Posted : Sep 16, 2011 11:30


Yeah, I would definitely skip the CWACOM board book. (Nothing wrong with giving the full-size book as a gift to grow baby's library, though!) The latest baby gift book I bought was Lane Smith's It's a Little Book, which is nicely adapted to the board book format (and happily/sadly does not contain the word "jackass"...).

Posted : Sep 16, 2011 04:07

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