Ask Rapunzel: Boor or bear?

Are you a seventh son sick of hand-me-downs? Had it up to here with the dragon lady next door? Ask Rapunzel! She can untangle any fairy-tale dilemma.


I released my husband from an evil enchantment and we have been happily married ever since. However, he has spent most of this winter sound asleep, snoring so loudly that I feared the royal dishes were going to be joggled right off the shelves. When he awakened, he was so very grouchy! He has been snarling at everyone! The staff is quite put out, and the garden gnomes are terrified by this less-than-royal behavior. Do you have any suggestions?

—Bearly Myself


Dear Bearly: Your husband is suffering from a complaint that is actually quite common among the formerly enchanted. It’s called “Enchanticus Maximalia Syndrome” and can occur anywhere from the eighth to tenth year after the “enchantee” has been released from his (or her) spell. Often the result of a too-generous hand with the eye-of-newt, this malady can usually be remedied by a competent professional. If the situation persists, you have probably married a bear. It happens!


Don’t miss any of Rapunzel’s fantastic advice! Click on the tag Ask Rapunzel to read all of her columns. For conflicts requiring legal mediation, Rapunzel recommends Judge Judy, the fairest judge in storybook land.
Elizabeth Thomas
Elizabeth Thomas
Elizabeth Thomas has an MFA from Hamline University in Writing for Children & Young Adults. She lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

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