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>And maybe Laurie Piper can play her in the movie

>I was entertained by this anecdote from Faux News guy John Gibson's new book The War on Christmas (cited in"The So-Called War on Christmas" by Adam Cohen, a NYT "Select" article, so I can't link to it, sorry):Mr. Gibson takes up the cause of Sherrie Versher, the mother of a...

>My Own Private Narnia

>I haven't seen the movie yet but the recent snowstorm turned a small stretch of my jogging route into a reasonable facsimile.And Horn Book marketing mavens JD and Anne, along with design empress Lolly have been putting together a C.S. Lewis page on our website with reviews of the series...

>Whisper Who Dares?

>I see from a message posted by Monica Edinger on the childlit listserv that the Mouse that roars has new plans for the Hundred Acre Wood, replacing Christopher Robin with an as-yet unnamed but confirmedly red-headed girl. The Disney Channel's Nancy Kanter says "we hope people will fall for this...

>Tookie Williams

>When Stanley "Tookie" Williams published his first round of children's books, "Tookie Speaks Out Against Gang Violence," I was asked for comment by Newsweek, and my negative remarks subsequently earned me a series of phone calls from men who described themselves as Mr. Williams' "associates." My mistake, by their lights,...

>Weighty concerns

>I am not exactly sure what Edward Rothstein is saying in his column in today's New York Times, "Reading Kids' Books without the Kids." He begins with a rather easy poke at YA fiction, true enough as far as it goes but failing to recognize either YA's breadth or its...

>Fanfare 2005

>We've just posted Fanfare, the Horn Book's choices for the best books of the year, on our website. It will also appear in the January/February issue of the Magazine....

>Practice before you preach

>Resident Horn Book movie reviewer Anita Burkam alerted me to a new "parents-rights" group, Citizens for Literary Standards in Schools, in Kansas, concerned with the curricular reading choices of high schools in the Blue Valley School District. Their website is singularly unfocused, taking a more-is-more approach to the problem at...

>Stars Redux and Marilyn Sachs

>I'd like to refer readers back to the post on book review stars, where there's something of a discussion going in the comments section among writers and editors. The mentions of Chris Lynch's Inexcusable, a finalist for the National Book Award, and starred in the January 06 issue of the...

Stars, they come and go . . .

While I confess to sharing Janis Ian's ambivalent and semi-despondent take on the whole star thing, here are the books whose reviews will be starred in the January/February 06 issue of the Horn Book:An Innocent Soldier; written by Josef Holub, translated from the German by Michael Hofmann (Levine/Scholastic)Inexcusable; by Chris...
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