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27 Results for: hbmnov12

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March Madness: Pick Your Favorite November/December Horn Book Magazine Cover!

Cover Madness continues! Voting is over for the September/October covers. Next up are the November/December covers. Pick your favorite from each group — let us know your favorites in the comments! Come back next week to see which covers advance to the next round. Read the Cover Madness rules here.   Click...

Review of Bomb: The Race to Build—and Steal—the World’s Most Dangerous Weapon

Bomb: The Race to Build — and Steal — the World’s Most Dangerous Weapon by Steve Sheinkin (Flash Point/Roaring Brook)While comprehensive in his synthesis of the political, historical, and scientific aspects of the creation of the first nuclear weapon, Sheinkin focuses his account with an extremely alluring angle: the spies....

Reviews of select books by Ashley Bryan

Ashley Bryan’s Puppets: Making Something from Everythingby Ashley Bryan; photos by Ken Hannon; photos edited by Rich EntelPrimary    Atheneum    80 pp.7/14    978-1-4424-8728-4   e-book ed. 978-1-4424-8729-1It’s impossible to come away from this book without renewed respect for Ashley Bryan as a fine artist. In addition to being a storyteller and illustrator,...

Review of The Man from the Land of Fandango

The Man from the 
Land of Fandangoby Margaret Mahy; 
illus. by Polly DunbarPreschool, Primary    Clarion    32 pp.10/12    978-0-547-81988-4    $16.99    gWhen it comes to contemporary nonsense verse, no one wrote it better than the late Margaret Mahy (see Susan Cooper’s reminiscence of her friend). With this latest offering, Mahy places herself...

Review of One Times Square

One Times Square: A Century of Change at the 
Crossroads of the Worldby Joe McKendry; illus. by the authorIntermediate    Godine    64 pp.9/12    978-1-56792-364-3    $19.95You are there at the birth, the decay, and the revival of Times Square, the “crossroads of the world” for a century. McKendry (Beneath the Streets of...

David Levithan on Every Day

From the November/December 2012 issue of The Horn Book Magazine:Reviewer Christine Hepperman asks author and editor David Levithan about writing gender (and the lack thereof) in his YA novel Every Day. Read the full review of Every Day here.Christine Hepperman: Were there specific challenges in writing a character who is...

Review of Every Day

Every Dayby David LevithanMiddle School, High School    Knopf    325 pp.8/12    978-0-307-93188-7    $16.99Library ed.  978-0-375-97111-2    $19.99e-book ed.  978-0-307-97563-8    $10.99“A,” the narrator of Levithan’s brilliantly conceived novel, wakes up in a different sixteen-year-old’s body every morning and has to adjust to different physical characteristics, a different family, a different school, different friends....

Book Request Haiku

All I know is thatThe toad takes some kind of bathAnd lives forever.(Tuck Everlasting)My teacher read itTo show why we should alwaysListen to spiders.(Charlotte’s Web)The illustrationsShowed corks growing in bunchesLike fruit on the trees.(The Story of Ferdinand)A single gold tooth,One of them had, but neitherOf them wore a shirt.(George and...

Review of Bailey at the Museum

Bailey at the Museumby Harry Bliss; illus. by the authorPrimary    Scholastic    32 pp.9/12    978-0-545-23345-3    $16.99In his second adventure, the irrepressible titular hound from Bailey (rev. 11/11) — the only dog in Mrs. Smith’s class — is excited about the field trip to the Museum of Natural History. Though his classmates...

Review of Spirit Seeker: John Coltrane’s Musical Journey

Spirit Seeker: John Coltrane’s Musical Journeyby Gary Golio; illus. by Rudy GutierrezIntermediate, Middle School    Clarion    48 pp.10/12    978-0-547-23994-1    $17.99There have been other picture books about gifted jazz musician and composer John Coltrane that have focused on his music or his childhood, but this one dares to take on the complexity...

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