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7 Results for: Patrick McDonnell

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The Little Red Cat Who Ran Away and Learned His ABC's (the Hard Way)

The other day in the grocery store I overheard one woman explaining to another why she thought calculus was ridiculous: "You can’t add letters." True enough, and it led me to pondering one of my favorite time-twiddling questions: why is the alphabet in the order it is?There is no real...

Information books | Class #4, fall 2016

Our next class will be in two weeks, on November 9. We'll be talking about five information books: Actual Size by Steve Jenkins Me…Jane by Patrick McDonnell Feathers: Not Just for Flying by Melissa Stewart, illustrated by Sarah S. Brannen Dave the Potter by Laban Carrick Hill, illustrated by Bryan...

Me...Jane | Class #4, 2016

As picture book biographies go, this is one of the more irreverent ones. What did you make of it?What about the visual mix: McDonnell's cartoon-style art, vintage stamps, Goodall's childhood drawings, and photos? The year this was published, we had lots of discussion pro and con about the final photograph...

The Skunk

I admit to being a leeetle unsure of what to make of this one.In an SLJ interview, author Mac Barnett was less than definitive: "What is The Skunk about? Is it a comedy? A romance? A ghost story? A tale of paranoia? An allegory of trauma?" And the Kirkus review called...

Me...Jane | Class #4, 2015

As picture book biographies go, this is one of the more irreverent ones. What did you make of it?What about the visual mix: McDonnell's cartoon-style art, vintage stamps, Goodall's childhood drawings, and photos? The year this was published, we had lots of discussion pro and con about the final photograph...


As picture book biographies go, this is one of the more irreverent ones. What did you make of it?What about the visual mix: McDonnell's cartoon-style art, vintage stamps, Goodall's childhood drawings, and photos? The year this was published, we had lots of discussion pro and con about the final photograph...


[First, an apology: I was supposed to post here Wednesday but have been fighting a virus all week. The best laid plans fizzle when a long day at work is followed by a comfortable armchair. Zzzz.]Jane Goodall demands respect. Even as a young woman on the American lecture circuit, there...

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