Review of Sourgrass

Sourgrass Sourgrass
by Hope Lim; illus. by Shahrzad Maydani
Primary    Beach Lane/Simon    40 pp.
3/24    9781665931861    $18.99
e-book ed.  9781665931878    $10.99

A relatable tale of friendship and change. Sofia, a dark-skinned girl with cornrowed hair, and May, with long brown hair and light skin, open the gate between their yards and play together daily. One day, they find a field abloom with yellow sourgrass flowers. “My mom says sourgrass shows up every spring, keeping its promise,” says May. The girls nibble the sourgrass and spit out the stems, and the plant comes to represent their closeness as best friends. As they romp in the blooming fields, Sofia’s stuffed-animal mouse and May’s duck come to life and play with the girls and each other. But one “colorless day,” May moves away, turning the chalk pastel and watercolor illustrations that had teemed with yellows, oranges, pinks, and greens to darker blues, blacks, and maroons. Sofia sends May letters, but as winter arrives, responses stop. When Sofia spots an early-spring sourgrass flower growing through the fence—its roots in May’s yard and flower in hers—Sofia recalls the promise of their friendship, and soon, the possibility of a new friend emerges. Lim’s hopeful story, with its spare, accessible text, and Maydani’s soft, whimsical illustrations offer readers lots to love and notice.

From the May/June 2024 issue of The Horn Book Magazine.

Dr. Michelle H. Martin
Michelle H. Martin
Dr. Michelle H. Martin is the Beverly Cleary Professor for Children & Youth Services in the Information School at the University of Washington in Seattle.

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