Review of Jimmy the Greatest!

Jimmy the Greatest by Jairo Buitrago Jimmy the Greatest!
by Jairo Buitrago; illus. by 
Rafael Yockteng; trans. from 
the Spanish by Elisa Amado
Primary    Groundwood    48 pp.
5/12    978-1-55498-178-6    $18.95
e-book ed.  978-1-55498-206-6    $18.95

What happens when a boy from a nondescript small town grows up to be a talented boxer? Most would dream of bigger and better places, but not young Jimmy. When gym owner Don Apolinar encourages him to start running (despite his missing shoes), Jimmy decides he will become a boxer, inspired by a box of clippings and books about Muhammad Ali. When his trainer leaves to make his fortune, Jimmy makes a poignant and surprising decision to stay and support his little town with a library and a fixed-up boxing gym. This town could be anywhere in the tropics, but the (Colombian) author and illustrator do not identify it, giving the book more universal appeal. The background colors of the illustrations — the brilliant blues of the sea and the tempered beige of the sand — highlight the stylized brown villagers, including lanky Jim and bearded Apolinar. Understated poetic language permeates the whole story, but the last page soars. “There are no elegant houses / or fancy things. / But we’re really great. / We dance and we box / and we don’t / sit around waiting / to go someplace else.” In a world where so many must leave their homes to find work, it’s inspiring to see Jimmy able to do a truly great thing, right where he wants to be.

From the July/August 2012 issue of The Horn Book Magazine.
Robin Smith
Robin Smith
Robin Smith is a second-grade teacher at the Ensworth School in Nashville, Tennessee. She is a reviewer for Kirkus and The Horn Book Magazine and has served on multiple award committees.
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Jimmy the Greatest by Jairo Buitrago | Allison's Book Bag

[...] Horn Book [...]

Posted : Mar 07, 2013 06:28

Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast » Blog Archive » 7-Imp’s 7 Kicks #307:Featuring Adam Rex and Rafael Yockteng

[...] book earlier this year, here are some to read and enjoy, if you’re a review nerd like me: Robin Smith’s starred review at The Horn Book; the starred Kirkus review; and Betsy Bird’s review, just to name a few. [...]

Posted : Nov 25, 2012 05:16



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