March/April 2023 Horn Book Magazine starred reviews

Illustration from My Powerful Hair by Carole Lindstrom, illustrated by Steph Littlebird.

The following books will receive starred reviews in the March/April 2023 Horn Book Magazine:

The Tree and the River by Aaron Becker (Candlewick)

The Hospital Book by Lisa Brown (Porter/Holiday)

We Are Here by Tami Charles; illus. by Bryan Collier (Orchard/Scholastic)

Afikomen by Tziporah Cohen; illus. by Yaara Eshet (Groundwood)

Night in the City by Julie Downing (Porter/Holiday)

My Powerful Hair by Carole Lindstrom; illus. by Steph Littlebird (Abrams)

So Much Snow by Hyunmin Park (Sourcebooks Jabberwocky)

My Baba’s Garden by Jordan Scott; illus. by Sydney Smith (Porter/Holiday)

Little Land by Diana Sudyka (Little, Brown)

Henry, like Always by Jenn Bailey; illus. by Mika Song (Chronicle)

For Lamb by Lesa Cline-Ransome (Holiday)

Who Will Win? by Arihhonni David (Holiday)

Enter the Body by Joy McCullough (Dutton)

World Made of Glass by Ami Polonsky (Little, Brown)

Ghosts, Toast, and Other Hazards by Susan Tan (Roaring Brook)

Stateless by Elizabeth Wein (Little, Brown)

Ancient Night by David Álvarez with David Bowles; illus. by David Álvarez (Em Querido/Levine Querido)

Voices of the People by Joseph Bruchac; illus. by various artists (Reycraft)

Remember by Joy Harjo; illus. by Michaela Goade (Random House Studio/Random)

Unbreakable: The Spies Who Cracked the Nazis’ Secret Code by Rebecca E. F. Barone (Holt)

We Go Way Back by Idan Ben-Barak; illus. by Philip Bunting (Roaring Brook)

Yoshi, Sea Turtle Genius: A True Story About an Amazing Swimmer by Lynne Cox; illus. by Richard Jones (Schwartz/Random)

The Sky Is Not the Limit by Jérémie Decalf; illus. and trans. from French by the author (Eerdmans)

Christo and Jeanne-Claude Wrap the World: The Story of Two Groundbreaking Environmental Artists by G. Neri; illus. by Elizabeth Haidle (Candlewick)

The Tower of Life: How Yaffa Eliach Rebuilt Her Town in Stories and Photographs by Chana Stiefel; illus. by Susan Gal (Scholastic)

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