Interested in learning more about the children’s book industry, book reviewing, or how magazines and review journals operate? A Horn Book internship is a great place to start.
Interested in learning more about the children’s book industry, book reviewing, or how magazines and review journals operate? A Horn Book internship is a great place to start.
Our editorial interns are an invaluable help in managing the gazillion books that enter and leave our office (and if the phrase “gazillion books” sounds appealing to you, you’re probably a good fit). They unpack boxes from publishers, shelve books, send mailings to reviewers, enter books into the database, and help with scanning art — all while becoming familiar with publishing trends. They fact-check reviews, newsletters, and articles, and sometimes do some writing of their own. They take on oddball projects like poring over back issues to track down an old editorial. Oh, and they usually get free books.
We offer spring, summer, and fall internships. The next application deadline, for 2019 fall internships, is
July 7. Each internship is twelve to fifteen hours per week and pays $12 per hour. To apply, send a resume and cover letter to Shoshana Flax (sflax at hbook dot com).
More information is available
Meanwhile, meet our current editorial intern Katie, who's a huge help to us this summer! Every semester, we ask our interns to tell us a little about themselves. (Our ulterior motive: we want to chat with them about their favorite books!)
Katie Smith
Education: MA/MS, Children’s Literature & LIS, Simmons University, expected 2020; Certificate in Creative Writing, Oxford University, 2015; BA History/English, UC Davis, 2014Hometown: Bakersfield, CA Interesting fact: I’m a descendant of Sarah Cloyce, who was tried as a witch in Salem. Favorite books: The Song of Achilles, Good Omens, Howl’s Moving Castle
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