2022–2023 Yearbook Superlatives

Summer is winding down, the weather is turning cooler, and students are easing into the new school year. Get into the back-to-school mood with our senior superlatives for characters in the "class" of 2022–2023. What superlative would you award your favorite character? 

Most buzzed-about: The Bees of Notre-Dame; Bea, The Bee Without Wings  

Most barked about: the dog, Hot Dog 

Most miiaaoooooo-ed about: Rubin, When Rubin Plays; Gato Guapo, Gato Guapo  

Most inquisitive: the speaker, Twenty Questions; the protagonist, I Have a Question 

Most creative problem-solvers: Rabbit, Problem Solved!; Jesús, Papá’s Magical Water-Jug Clock 

Most multilayered: the dolls, Nesting Dolls; the plot, The Puppets of Spelhorst 

Least likely to sleep through class: the Go-Go Guys, Go-Go Guys 

Head most in the clouds: Giovanni, Star Stuff 


Most likely to relive middle school: Asha, Abeni’s Song  

Most likely to relive the ‘90s: Sam, Throwback 


Best hangout: Pink Mountain Pizza, Those Pink Mountain Nights; the water, When You Can Swim  

Best road trip companion: Pedro, Mexikid 

Best field trip companion: Jordan, School Trip  

Most likely to stick together: the starlings, We Are Starlings; Ana and Harwin, Friends Beyond Measure; protagonist and bear, Bear with Me 


Most “fun guy”: the fungi, Fungi Grow 

Most evergreen trend: trees  

Most Evergreen character: protagonist, Evergreen 


Bravest: May, May’s Brave Day  

Boldest: Nichelle Nichols, To Boldly Go 

Super-est califragilisticexpialidocious: Julie Andrews, Song After Song 


For more Horn Book silliness about books we love, see the 2023 Mind the Gap Awards and previous years' yearbook superlatives.

Shoshana Flax

Shoshana Flax, associate editor of The Horn Book, Inc., is a former bookseller and holds an MFA in writing for children from Simmons University. She has served on the Walter Dean Myers Award, Boston Globe–Horn Book Award, and Sydney Taylor Book Award committees.

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