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Ruth Krauss and Crockett Johnson: Scenes from a Remarkable Marriage

I recently picked up Philip Nel’s 2012 dual biography of ­children’s literature luminaries, Crockett Johnson and Ruth Krauss: How an Unlikely Couple Found Love, Dodged the FBI, and Transformed ­Child­ren’s Literature, and was immediately riveted. Nel did amazing due diligence: eighty interviews! Nearly six hundred (unobtrusive) footnotes! Research at three...

Review of The Curse of Madame Petrova

The Curse of Madame Petrova by Marjolijn Hof; illus. by Annette Fienieg; trans. from Dutch by Bill Nagelkerke Middle School    Em Querido/Levine Querido    272 pp. 9/24    9781646144532    $18.99 Silke and her twin brother, Janis, are fated to cause each other’s demise, or so predicted Madame Petrova when she read the...

Review of How We Share Cake

How We Share Cake by Kim Hyo-eun; illus. by the author; trans. from Korean by Deborah Smith Preschool, Primary    Scribble    56 pp. 10/24    9781957363851    $19.95 In this clever, humorous Korean import, a young girl describes how she and her two brothers and two sisters share things fairly. Snacks are divided...

Women's History Month 2025, Week 1

March is Women's History Month. To celebrate the accomplishments of women and female-identifying people, we will be highlighting recent recommended books "devoted to the achievements of a diverse ­gallery of women, heroes every one." Look for the social media tag #HBWomensHistoryMonth on Facebook.com/TheHornBook and @thehornbook.bsky.social on Bluesky as we share...

International Women's Day

Tomorrow is International Women's Day. On hornbookguide.com, we've updated two booklists of recent biographies, one for younger and one for intermediate and older readers, to honor the extraordinary lives of women, girls, and female-identifying people throughout history from other countries around the world. And every day throughout the month of...

Editorial: The Horn Book and... (March/April 2025)

We’ve retired the HB100 horn logo (HB200, here we come!), and I am a fan of designer Denise Maldonado’s digital illustration, above, with its similarly eye-catching graphic appeal. I read the image as: “The Horn Book and…” It is a theme that serendipitously runs throughout this issue of the magazine....

Table of Contents: March/April 2025 Horn Book Magazine

Cover from Head Full of Clouds by Joanne Schwartz. Illustration © 2025 by Afsaneh Sanei. Published by Tundra Books.   Features Ruth Krauss and Crockett Johnson by Betsy Groban Scenes from a remarkable marriage. Generational Ties in Children’s Book Translation by Emma Otheguy An interview with translator Emily Carrero Mustelier....

Review of Virus Hunters: How Science Protects People When Outbreaks and Pandemics Strike

Virus Hunters: How Science Protects People When Outbreaks and Pandemics Strike by Amy Cherrix Intermediate, Middle School    Harper/HarperCollins    336 pp. 9/24    9780063069541    $19.99 e-book ed.  9780063069565    $9.99 Epidemiologists are scientists who study the causes, patterns, and control of diseases in groups of people. Positioning epidemiologists as forensic detectives, Cherrix examines...

Review of Lola

Lola by Karla Arenas Valenti; illus. by Islenia Mil Intermediate    Knopf    256 pp. 9/24    9780593177006    $17.99 Library ed.  9780593177013    $20.99 e-book ed.  9780593177020    $10.99 Lola, ten, lives in Mexico City in a house built around the Tree. The Tree is full of life, and spirit-like beings called chaneques protect it....
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