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Horn Book Reminiscences: Memory, Storytime, and Yaya

Telling my grandmother that I was going to be a Horn Book intern was comparable to what it would have been like telling other ­relatives that I was going to be working for the New England Patriots. Yaya (known to all but her grandchildren as Natalie Coleman) has her own...

The Writer's Page: Building Something New: A Time-Travel Novel, a Global Pandemic, and a Baby Boy

There’s a brief mention of the pandemic in Throwback, my latest YA novel, about a Korean American girl who travels back to 1995 and meets her mother as a teen. It’s handled with an almost perceptively self-conscious breeziness — making a joke out of my protagonist’s anxiety spiral as she...


I wish I was a star Not the kind on stage Where crowds and crowds Shouted and clapped And every time I looked around I had another photo shoot Or interview or somebody wanted me To do something important… But the kind floating Quietly around the sky Twinkling at the...

Preview January/February 2025 Horn Book Magazine

Original cover art and artist’s statement by Charly Palmer. Horn Book Fanfare: Our choices for the best books of 2024. Coverage of the 2024 Boston Globe–Horn Book Awards celebration (once again in person, and including rare Special Citation!): judges’ remarks, speeches, photos. A conversation between Jonda C. McNair and Dianne...

The Writer's Page: My Own Sa I Gu

It all started when I was a baby. For my 돌 Dol, a traditional Korean first birthday ceremony, I sat in front of several objects. I grabbed a pen, which meant I would become a writer. That prediction came true. I started off as a newspaper and magazine reporter. Now...

YA Finds Its Way

We started our centennial year of mini-themed issues with picture books in the January/February issue, and now end, fittingly, with YA in November/December. It seemed like a natural progression — from “the early years,” as we were calling it, to young adult, with stops at poetry and folklore; nonfiction and...

From the Editor - November 2024

We’re so excited for our upcoming in-person events in Boston, in commemoration of our hundredth birthday year. Join Roger Sutton and me — and three fab panels of authors and illustrators — this Thursday, November 21, for the Horn Book’s first-ever Evening of Dialogue, kicking off the NCTE Conference; then...

Holiday High Notes 2024

We wish you a loaded bookshelf with snowflake, with dreidel, with elf for gift-giving, or your own self. Some ideas are right here. Here’s our annual list of recommended new and reissued picture books of seasonal and holiday interest. Season’s greetings from the Horn Book staff! Uri and the King...

L'Heure Joyeuse: The First Children's Library in France Turns 100

Above and left: 1927 posters created for the library by illustrator Pierre Belvès when he was sixteen. Images courtesy of Fonds patrimonial L'Heure Joyeuse, Médiathèque Françoise Sagan. L’Heure Joyeuse was the first library in France devoted especially to children. It opened in the Latin Quarter of Paris in 1924, after...
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