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A Note from Me (Apr 2, 2021)

Dear friends: Awww, Beverly Cleary. Tributes are everywhere (including the front page of the Times, featuring yours truly) and we’ve rounded up several from among the many that have appeared in the Horn Book over the years. And I have a new “I’m so old…”: “I’m so old I remember...

A Note from Me (Mar 26, 2021)

Dear friends: For those readers who have caviled at the “liberal agenda” supposedly being promulgated in this weekly letter, let’s get this out of the way right at the top: this country needs more effective gun control now. Whatever mental illness, whatever racism, whatever evil drives a person to kill,...

A Note from Me (Mar 19, 2021)

Dear friends: Happy anniversary? This week marks a year now that the Horn Book has been working from home, and I remain grateful and amazed that we’ve done it at all, much less as well as we have, thanks to our determined editors, Our Al, and our coworkers from the...

A Note from Me (Mar 12, 2021)

Dear friends: Cindy urges us all to keep an eye out for virtual bookstore events happening in our neighborhoods, which, given the nature of virtual events, is EVERYWHERE. How to choose? I see that Cindy’s neighborhood bookstore, Jeff Kinney’s An Unlikely Story, just had an event with adult historical fiction...

A Note from Me (Mar 5, 2021)

Dear friends: Welcome to March and Women’s History Month! A few years ago, I wrote about our founding editor Bertha Mahony Miller; in this month’s Horn Book Magazine I call attention to new nonfiction, mainly picture book biographies, about women who have made their mark. Off the clock, I’m reading...

A Note from Me (Feb 26, 2021)

Dear friends: While you are awaiting — I hope you are awaiting — the March/April issue of the Horn Book, we here are busily entrenched in preparing May/June, our annual Special Issue, this time devoted to the 25th anniversary of the Pura Belpré Award, established by ALA and REFORMA in...

A Note from Me (Feb 5, 2021)

Dear friends: Well, the big snow we were promised for Monday was a big bust. And Punxsutawney Phil says there are six more weeks of this. In the bleak midwinter, slush on slush on slush…. By the way, even though I had not seen the movie Groundhog Day at the...

March/April 2021 Horn Book Magazine starred reviews

Illustration by Matthew Cordell, from Bear Island.   The following books will receive starred reviews in the March/April 2021 Horn Book Magazine:   Bear Island; written and illustrated by Matthew Cordell (Feiwel). Milo Imagines the World; by Matt de la Peña; illus. by Christian Robinson (Putnam). The Rock from the...

A Note from Me (Jan 22, 2021)

Dear friends: Great day! (I write on Wednesday; those of you unhappy with my remarks about the former president last week can go ahead and hate me all over again, if you’re still reading.) We also announced a new Calling Caldecott mock vote winner on Thursday, but (it being Wednesday)...
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