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Five questions for Margaret Mahy

Margaret Mahy. Photo by Ken Silber.New Zealander Margaret Mahy has written everything from metaphorically rich fantasy (The Changeover) to gritty YA fiction (Memory) to riotously funny picture books (The Great White Man-Eating Shark). A former librarian, she’s also a storyteller whose repertoire includes an extended tongue-twister involving a baby in...

An Interview with George M. Nicholson

George M. Nicholson introduced and popularized high-quality paperback publishing for young people in the United States. He ran a number of major houses before finding a new career as an agent, remaining throughout an innovative, knowledgeable, and influential figure in the children’s book industry.LEONARD S. MARCUS: How did you come...

An Interview with Maurice Sendak

In July 2003, Horn Book Editor Sutton talked with the artist in his Connecticut home in a conversation that covered life and death, ego and excavation, dreams and nightmares, Melville and Homer, and...plankton. For more on the great man, click the Maurice Sendak tag.ROGER SUTTON: Last night on that show...

An Interview with Russell Freedman

Russell Freedman has illuminated the crossroads of the biographical and the historical in more than forty nonfiction books for young people. He spoke with Roger Sutton last June in New York City. Photo by Evans ChanROGER SUTTON: For this special issue we asked a number of writers to give us...

Circling Tuck: An Interview with Natalie Babbitt

Natalie Babbitt’s Tuck Everlasting was first published in 1975; it has since become a modern classic. Farrar, Straus and Giroux’s 25th anniversary edition of the novel, to be published this spring, features a wide-ranging, deep-digging conversation between Ms. Babbitt and critic Betsy Hearne. The following selection is excerpted from that...

Moving Pictures: Morton Schindel Revisited

By Terri Payne ButlerImagine Winnie the Pooh without Disney: the silly old bear and his friends translated to film without ever looking or sounding silly themselves. That’s the way it would have been had Weston Woods Studio’s Morton Schindel been the one to turn loose his artists and animators on...

An Interview with Augusta Baker

by Henrietta M. SmithHENRIETTA M. SMITH: Will you tell me a little about your childhood?AUGUSTA BAKER: I was an only child, so I had to entertain myself a lot. There were no nursery schools, and I guess I must have driven my mother crazy with endless questions. My father, Winsfort...

Walt Disney Accused

In the spring of this year Max Rafferty, California’s Superintendent of Public Instruction, wrote an article praising Walt Disney as “the greatest educator of this century.” Frances Clarke Sayers challenged Dr. Rafferty’s stand in a letter to the Los Angeles Times, which we reprint with Mrs. Sayers’ permission.It is a...
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