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A Note from Me (Jun 18, 2021)

Dear friends: Slinging on my bowtie to announce the winners of the 2021 Boston Globe–Horn Book Awards on Wednesday at noon EDT on Hbook.com. I like ʼem and hope that you do, too. (Note to self: also remember to shave.) You can review the winners since 1967 here to see...

LGBTQIA+ books that I have read

Editor’s note: Thirteen-year-old Onyx (they/them) has been keeping track of the books they’ve read during their pandemic year. Onyx notes the gender identities and/or sexual orientations represented in the books, their recommendation for age level, and whether or not the stories include romance. They’ve even created their own rating system, explained below. We’re delighted that Onyx has given us permission to share their list with our readers.   YA means young adult books, middle grade means middle-school books, kids means kids books.  The star✨ means...

Week in Review, June 14th-18th

  This week on hbook.com...   Read Roger: A Note from Me (Jun 18, 2021)   Family Reading: LGBTQIA+ books that I have read by Onyx H.   Out of the Box: National Caribbean American Heritage Month   Reviews of the Week: Starred Picture Book: The Night Walk by Marie...

National Caribbean American Heritage Month

June is National Caribbean American Heritage Month, which celebrates “the significance of Caribbean people and their descendants in the history and culture of the United States.” There are many ways to participate — see the calendar of events. The May/June Horn Book Magazine: Special Issue: The Pura Belpré Award at 25 offers...

Week in Review, June 7th-11th

  This week on hbook.com... June Notes from the Horn Book Newsletter: 5Qs for Matt Ringler about Strollercoaster; 6 picture books for Father's Day; 4 new books for tweens during Pride Month; 5 recent YA memoirs   From the May/June 2021 Horn Book Magazine Special Issue: The Pura Belpré Award...

2021 Summer Reading: Picture Books

  Need suggestions for summer reading? This year we've super-sized our lists, with a baker's dozen recommendations for different age ranges — including fiction, nonfiction, folklore, and poetry — all published 2020–2021 and ideal for the season. Grade levels are only suggestions; the individual child is the real criterion.  ...

Nonfiction Windows So White

Every reader of this magazine knows that Rudine Sims Bishop’s “Mirrors, Windows, and Sliding Glass Doors” framework has become a central part of our vocabulary as we evaluate books for children and teenagers. Indeed it is a kind of organizing metaphor in the industry-wide push for a more representative literature...
7 articles

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