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Generational Ties in Children's Book Translation

I first met Cuban-born translator Emily Carrero Mustelier through poet and translator Alexis Romay. I was working on my middle-grade novel Sofía Acosta Makes a Scene, a book about a girl whose family danced with the Ballet Nacional de Cuba. Alexis read a draft of the book and immediately put...

Ruth Krauss and Crockett Johnson: Scenes from a Remarkable Marriage

I recently picked up Philip Nel’s 2012 dual biography of ­children’s literature luminaries, Crockett Johnson and Ruth Krauss: How an Unlikely Couple Found Love, Dodged the FBI, and Transformed ­Child­ren’s Literature, and was immediately riveted. Nel did amazing due diligence: eighty interviews! Nearly six hundred (unobtrusive) footnotes! Research at three...

The New Brownies' Book: Karida L. Brown and Charly Palmer's 2024 BGHB Special Citation Speech

CHARLY PALMER: We want to start by thanking the committee for this incredible honor. We are truly surprised, humbled, and so grateful to be standing here today, receiving this special citation. It’s a rare acknowledgment — given only seven times in the entire history of the Boston Globe–Horn Book Awards...

Kin: Jeffery Boston Weatherford's 2024 BGHB Poetry Award Speech

First and foremost, I would of course like to thank the Boston Globe–Horn Book Awards Committee for this honor, the entire creative team at Simon & Schuster, and our agent, Rubin Pfeffer, for catalyzing this project in the first place. Rubin, you have been a light in this journey, always...

Kin: Carole Boston Weatherford's 2024 BGHB Poetry Award Speech

I’d like to thank the Boston Globe–Horn Book Awards Committee for this honor. Thanks also to Reka Simonsen, my editor at Simon & Schuster, for your faith in bringing this project to life. Last but not least, I am indebted to my agent, Rubin Pfeffer, for planting the seed for...

The Mona Lisa Vanishes: Brett Helquist's 2024 BGHB Nonfiction Award Speech

I’d like to thank the Boston Globe–Horn Book Awards Committee for recognizing The Mona Lisa Vanishes; it is truly an honor. I’d also like to thank editor Annie Kelley, Katrina Damkoehler, and everyone at Random House Studio for trusting me to work on this book. Most of all, I want...

The Mona Lisa Vanishes: Nicholas Day's 2024 BGHB Nonfiction Award Speech

It’s wonderful to be here with all of you. I’d like to thank my agent, Brenda Bowen; my editor, Annie Kelley, and everyone at Random House Studio; and illustrator Brett Helquist, of course, who is a wizard. Thank you to the Boston Globe–Horn Book Awards Committee for this honor. [Read...

Fungi Grow: Diana Sudyka's 2024 BGHB Nonfiction and Poetry Honor Speech

Thank you to the Boston Globe–Horn Book Awards Committee for honoring Fungi Grow. I have found the Horn Book to be a guiding voice and influence both in my time illustrating and writing picture books and as an avid reader of the genre. I have long admired Maria Gianferrari’s writing...

Fungi Grow: Maria Gianferrari's 2024 BGHB Nonfiction and Poetry Honor Speech

I am overjoyed to be in the company of all of these fine book creators. Congrats to you all! Many thanks to both the Boston Globe and the Horn Book, and congratulations on the Horn Book’s hundredth anniversary! A heart-filled “thanks, mush” to judges Cathryn Mercier, Katrina Hedeen Eftekhari, and...
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