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9 Results for: vera brosgol

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Review of Plain Jane and the Mermaid

Plain Jane and the Mermaid by Vera Brosgol; illus. by the authorMiddle School, High School    First Second    368 pp.5/24    9781250314864    $22.99Paper ed.  9781250314857    $14.99A funny and fast-paced feminist adventure masterfully told through the comics medium. This alternate-Victorian-era fantasy opens after Jane’s parents’ death. Since women can’t own property, the family...

Vera Brosgol Talks with Roger

Talks with Roger is a sponsored supplement to our free monthly e-newsletter, Notes from the Horn Book. To receive Notes, sign up here. Sponsored by   The titular mermaid of Vera Brosgol’s Plain Jane and the Mermaid is hardly a sweet Ariel; for that matter, there’s nothing plain about Jane, a quintessential Brosgol heroine who uses her...

Review of A Spoonful of Frogs

A Spoonful of Frogs by Casey Lyall; illus. by Vera Brosgol Primary    Greenwillow    40 pp.    g 7/22    978-0-06-289029-0    $17.99 An apron-clad witch who’s the host of her own TV cooking show walks readers step-by-step through her recipe for Frog Soup. After heating the cauldron and adding spices and veggies,...

Table of Contents: September/October 2022 Horn Book Magazine

Cover from A Spoonful of Frogs. Illustration © 2022 by Vera Brosgol.   Features A Journey of Transformation by Yuyi Morales The 2022 Zena Sutherland Lecture. The Art of Visual Storytelling in Long-Form Nonfiction by Tanya Lee Stone Authors of nonfiction who participate in their books’ design.   Columns Editorial...

From the Editor - August 2022

The September/October issue of the Horn Book Magazine is at press and soon to be on its way to your mailboxes (and our website). Check out the mysterious and enticing cover by Vera Brosgol, from A Spoonful of Frogs, by Casey Lyall, and you can even get a jump (ha)...

Preview September/October 2022 Horn Book Magazine

Cover art by Vera Brosgol from A Spoonful of Frogs, written by Casey Lyall. The Zena Sutherland Lecture: Yuyi Morales on her journey of transformation. Tanya Lee Stone on authors of nonfiction who participate in their books’ design. Field Notes: Adrienne L. Pettinelli recounts what happened when “the book banners...

CaldeComics, Part One

Today on Calling Caldecott, Alec Chunn writes about three 2018 graphic novels. He will contribute a second graphic novel round-up post later this year. —J.D.Jillian and Mariko Tamaki’s This One Summer was (controversially) chosen as a 2015 Caldecott Honor book. A graphic novel hasn’t received recognition since, though Thi Bui and...

Leave Me Alone!

Leave Me Alone! has everything necessary for a great picture book: a frustrated main character, epic adventure, and derpy goats. A book with derpy yarn-eating goats may be being considered for the Caldecott Medal, and I’m pretty thrilled about it.This is cartoonist Vera Brosgol’s first picture book, and though I’ve...

Five questions for Vera Brosgol

Vera Brosgol's 2011 YA debut was Anya's Ghost (Roaring Brook/First Second, 12–16 years), a graphic novel about a quirky friendship — between a girl and a ghost. Her first picture book, Leave Me Alone! (Roaring Brook, 5–8 years), has a similarly wry and witty tone and highlights a point of...

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