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3 Results for: scbwi

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#NESCBWI18 recap

art by Priscilla AlpaughThe 2018 New England SCBWI annual conference — with the theme “Dream. Explore. Create.” — was held in Springfield, MA, April 20th–22nd.  I’ve attended this conference most years since 2008, and was aware of some welcome new measures: attendees are now required to read the SCBWI anti-harassment...

#NESCBWI17 recap

The New England Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (NESCBWI) Annual Conference is a place to get re-inspired, a place to gain new insights and apply familiar ones to new projects, to encourage friends’ work. And this year, as the conference theme put it, it was a place to...

#NESCBWI16 recap

On the morning of Sunday, May 1st, the Ballroom of the Sheraton Springfield Monarch Place sounded a bit like a punk rock concert. Unless you listened closely, and realized what the hundreds of writers and illustrators were yelling at author-illustrator Jarrett J. Krosoczka’s encouragement: “EEE-I-EEE-I-OH!”At the 2016 New England conference...

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