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2 Results for: renata liwska

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Review of Bunny Should Be Sleeping

Bunny Should Be Sleeping by Amy Hest; illus. by Renata LiwskaPreschool    Porter/Holiday    40 pp.3/24    9780823453412    $18.99e-book ed.  9780823457441    $11.99Bunny has been lying awake in bed—when he should be sleeping—waiting for Dad to check on him. The youngster’s expressive body language and his impatience (“Come on, Dad! Check on me, check...

Review of Winter: A Solstice Story

Winter: A Solstice Story by Kelsey Gross; illus. by Renata LiwskaPreschool, Primary    Wiseman/Simon    32 pp.10/23    9781665908139    $18.99e-book ed.  9781665908146    $10.99On the longest night of the year, Owl calls on his forest friends to “shine the light” and “share a gift of hope.” Deer leaves nuts on tree branches so that...

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