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7 Results for: notes0724

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Five questions for Sarah Sax

Each book in Sarah Sax’s Brinkley Yearbooks graphic novel series (Knopf, 9–12 years) centers on a different protagonist. In the second and latest, Tryouts, athletic Al becomes the only girl on the school’s baseball team, and that’s just the beginning of a nuanced tale of teamwork. See also the Sports...

Books mentioned in the July 2024 issue of Notes from the Horn Book

Five Questions for Sarah Sax Tryouts by Sarah Sax; Knopf. Lots to learn Wires Crossed by Beth Fantaskey, illus. by ONeillJones; Clarion/HarperCollins.  Lo Simpson Starts a Revolution by Melanie Florence; Orca.  The School for Invisible Boys by Shaun David Hutchinson; Labyrinth Road/Random. Table Titans Club by Scott Kurtz, illus. by...

From the Editor - July 2024

This week, my husband and I encouraged our two high schoolers to double-check what summer work they need to complete before school begins — no waiting until the last minute in this house! — and here at the Horn Book we’re helping everyone get ready with this annual Back-to-School edition...

Grade-A YA

School is the backdrop for dramas, comedies, and everything in between in these varied six novels recommended for middle- and/or high-school readers. See also the Schools -- Middle schools and  Schools -- High schools tags in the Guide/Reviews Database. Not like Other Girls by Meredith Adamo High School    Bloomsbury    448...

A good start

Welcome to school! These eight stories set in and around schools are recommended for preschool and/or primary readers. For more, see the Schools -- Preschools and Schools -- Elementary schools tags in the Guide/Reviews Database.  Give  by Jen Arena; illus. by Rahele Jomepour Bell  Preschool, Primary    Knopf    40 pp.  8/23    9781524714994    $18.99 ...

History brought to life

These five works of nonfiction, recommended for intermediate and/or middle-school readers, provide close-ups of human stories from various historical moments that may be discussed in the classroom. Barracoon: Adapted for Young Readers by Zora Neale Hurston; adapted by Ibram X. Kendi; illus. by Jazzmen Lee-Johnson Intermediate, Middle School    Amistad/HarperCollins    208...

Lots to learn

What clubs should I join? Who are my real friends? Where should I sit at lunch?? The protagonists of these eight books recommended for intermediate and/or middle-school readers have more to figure out than just homework questions. For more, see our Five Questions interview with Sarah Sax about Tryouts, and...

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