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6 Results for: notes0124

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Five questions for Breanna J. McDaniel and April Harrison

The picture-book biography Go Forth and Tell: The Life of Augusta Baker, Librarian and Master Storyteller (Dial, 5–8 years) introduces young readers to a groundbreaking Black librarian and her contributions. We spoke with author Breanna J. McDaniel (a former Horn Book Guide reviewer and graduate of the Center for the...

Books mentioned in the January 2024 issue of Notes from the Horn Book

Five Questions for Breanna J. McDaniel and April Harrison Go Forth and Tell: The Life of Augusta Baker, Librarian and Master Storyteller by Breanna J. McDaniel, illus. by April Harrison; Dial. Go forth and help I’m Gonna Paint: Ralph Fasanella, Artist of the People by Anne Broyles, illus. by Victoria Tentler-Krylov; Holiday. Fighting...

From the Editor - January 2024

Earlier today Calling Caldecott announced the winner of its MOCK award, Big by Vashti Harrison, with honor books An American Story and There Was a Party for Langston; all superb choices! This coming Monday, January 22, we’ll know the winners of the actual 2024 Caldecott Medal and of the other...

It's almost Valen-time

These four YA stories have one thing in common: love, which is there for its characters through a wide range of situations, including difficult times. By Any Other Name by Erin Cotter Middle School, High School    Simon    464 pp. 10/23    9781665940719    $21.99 e-book ed.  9781665940733    $10.99 A fanciful treat set...

Rising to the occasion

As Black History Month approaches in February (watch for our upcoming annual coverage!), these seven books are helpful starting points for intermediate and/or middle-school readers seeking engaging and resilient Black protagonists in compelling fictional narratives that reflect a range of experience, from light-and-lively (see: Stuntboy’s antics) to more serious (and...

Go forth and help

The subjects of these six picture-book biographies for primary and intermediate readers made a difference in the world around them through means ranging from political activism to the arts. To learn about another community helper, see our Five Questions interview with Breanna J. McDaniel and April Harrison about Go Forth...

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