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10 Results for: marilyn nelson

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Better Ask Somebody Else.

“Why,” I am asked, “is it so important for children to have poetry in their lives?” Not just “Important,” but “so important,” emphasis on that “so.” As if I knew. Is it? Is it really important for children to have poetry in their lives? In their lives how? Where would...

Review of Augusta Savage: The Shape of a Sculptor's Life

Augusta Savage: The Shape of a Sculptor’s Life by Marilyn Nelson Middle School, High School    Ottaviano/Little, Brown    160 pp.    g 1/22    978-0-316-29802-5    $18.99 e-book ed.  978-0-316-29822-3    $9.99 Despite her prominence during the Harlem Renaissance, sculptor Augusta Savage (1892–1962) remains largely unknown to younger generations. Through her accomplished verse, Nelson (My...

Five questions for Marilyn Nelson

Through poetry that is captivating, evocative, and informative, Marilyn Nelson introduces readers to the life, work, and legacy of a prominent Harlem Renaissance sculptor in Augusta Savage: The Shape of a Sculptor’s Life (12 years and up, Ottaviano/Little, Brown). See also our Black History Month and Black History Month 2022 coverage....

How I Discovered Young Adult Poetry - The Zena Sutherland Lecture

A couple of weeks ago, at a dinner with several poets, one of them said, “You’re lucky, Marilyn: you know how to write poems for the young adult audience.” I laughed and told him he was entirely wrong. I have absolutely no idea how to write for the young adult...

Marilyn's great speech

Here's a link to the speech Marilyn Nelson gave when she won the Boston Globe-Horn Book Award for Carver in 2001. The awards were given in Burlington, Vermont that October, a very fraught time, as you will recall. I remember that Marilyn's son, then a student at McGill in Montreal,...

The 2016 Zena Sutherland Lecture with Marilyn Nelson

You should totally come to this. Marilyn Nelson gave one of the best speeches I ever heard on the occasion of her winning the Boston Globe-Horn Book Award in 2001 for Carver. I hope I see you in Chicago on May 6th....

Review of My Seneca Village

 My Seneca Villageby Marilyn NelsonMiddle School, High School   Namelos   88 pp.11/15   978-1-60898-196-0   $21.95Paper ed. 978-1-60898-197-7   $11.95e-book ed. 978-1-60898-198-4   $9.95Seneca Village in Manhattan was founded in 1825 by free African Americans; by 1857 it had been razed to make way for the construction of Central Park. In forty-one poems Nelson spans...

Five questions for Marilyn Nelson

Marilyn Nelson is an acclaimed author and poet whose numerous contributions to children’s and young adult literature include Carver: A Life in Poems (Front, 13–16 years); A Wreath for Emmett Till (illus. by Philippe Lardy; Houghton, 13–16 years); and Freedom Business: Including a Narrative of the Life & Adventures of...

Review of How I Discovered Poetry

How I Discovered Poetryby Marilyn Nelson; 
illus. by Hadley HooperMiddle School    Dial    103 pp.1/14    978-0-8037-3304-6    $16.99    gIn fifty poems (some previously published) Nelson chronicles her formative years during the 1950s, from age four to thirteen, against the backdrop of the cold war and stirrings of the civil rights movement and...

Carver: A Life in Poems: Author Marilyn Nelson’s BGHB 2002 Fiction and Poetry Award Speech

by Marilyn NelsonAbracadabra, alakazam, paz, salaam, shalom, amenMy deep thanks go to the Boston Globe–Horn Book Award selection committee, and to Stephen Roxburgh of Front Street Books, who saw the potential of my manuscript. Thanks, too, to Helen Robinson of Front Street, whose design made the manuscript a beautiful and...

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