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5 Results for: liza woodruff

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Blowing the Horn: Room for Everyone

While I was attending art school in Boston in the 1990s, an illustration class piqued my interest in children’s book publishing. At that time Boston housed several publishers, the Horn Book, and Simmons College (now University), which made it a small hub for children’s literature. In a “right place, right...

Review of Once upon a Winter Day

Once upon a Winter Day by Liza Woodruff; illus. by the author Preschool, Primary    Ferguson/Holiday    40 pp.    g 11/20    978-0-8234-4099-3    $18.99 e-book ed.  978-0-8234-4404-5    $10.99 Milo’s mother is too busy to read him a story, so the boy reluctantly heads out to play in the snow. Under the bird feeder...

A Note from Me (Nov 20, 2020)

Dear friends: I can still hear Carla Hayden’s voice, forty years ago, as she was describing the allure of Flowers in the Attic to the era’s younger teens. “Because of all the forbidden stuff,” she said to me, giving the word all the mystery and danger it deserves. Kids (who...

Local Girl Makes Good

The illustration on the cover of the November/December Magazine is from Once upon a Winter Day, a picture book written and illustrated by Liza Woodruff. Guys, that's our Liza, who worked as the circulation assistant at The Horn Book back in the last century, and we still miss her, so...

Preview November/December 2020 Horn Book Magazine

Cover art from Once upon a Winter Day by Liza Woodruff. Published by Margaret Ferguson Books/Holiday House. Elizabeth Partridge on writing as an act of defiance. A Call to Action from The Brown Bookshelf by Paula Chase, Cheryl Willis Hudson, Wade Hudson, Kelly Starling Lyons, Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich, and Renée Watson “to imagine a new way of doing business, and abandon anti-Black and...

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