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4 Results for: leo espinosa

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Review of NO Is All I Know!

NO Is All I Know! by Chris Grabenstein; illus. by Leo EspinosaPreschool    Random    40 pp.5/23    9780593302040    $18.99Library ed.  9780593302057    $21.99e-book ed.  9780593302064    $10.99In this rhythmic picture book, Oliver McSnow finds himself stuck in a cycle of contrariness. He answers “NO!” to tedious requests such as cleaning up and brushing his...

Review of Like

Like by Annie Barrows; illus. by Leo EspinosaPreschool, Primary    Chronicle    40 pp.9/22    9781452163376    $17.99“You are you, and I am I. We are people…This makes us different from most of the things on Earth.” Head crowned with a mass of brown curly hair, this book’s narrator speaks directly to readers, guiding...

The 2023 Robin Smith Picture Book Prize

With this sixth annual winner of the Robin Smith Picture Book Prize, I realize we now have a nicely curated collection of beautiful picture books that makes a great gift at holidays, birthdays, baby showers, or any occasion calling for a random act of book-giving. I even have a narrow...

Review of The World Belonged to Us

The World Belonged to Us by Jacqueline Woodson; illus. by Leo EspinosaPrimary    Paulsen/Penguin    32 pp.    g5/22    978-0-399-54549-8    $18.99e-book ed.  978-0-399-54550-4    $10.99Spanish ed.  978-0-593-53019-1    $18.99This lyrical paean to unstructured play does not wax nostalgic or hark back to a simpler time. Rather, Woodson sets out to capture (and brilliantly succeeds in...

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