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2 Results for: james ransome

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Review of Sonny Rollins Plays the Bridge

Sonny Rollins Plays the Bridge by Gary Golio; illus. by James Ransome Primary    Paulsen/Penguin    32 pp.    g 10/21    978-1-9848-1366-4    $17.99 e-book ed.  978-1-9848-1367-1    $10.99 When, in 1959, the renowned jazz saxophonist Sonny Rollins takes a break from a successful career to hone his skills, he finds the perfect place to...

Review of Overground Railroad

Overground Railroad by Lesa Cline-Ransome; illus. by James Ransome Primary, Intermediate    Holiday    48 pp. 1/20    978-0-8234-3873-0    $18.99 e-book ed.  978-0-8234-4390-1    $11.99 “Some walked. / Some drove. / But we took the train north.” In 1939, as part of the Great Migration, young Ruth Ellen and her parents leave North Carolina,...

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