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64 Results for: hbmnov18

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March Madness: Pick Your Favorite November/December Horn Book Magazine Cover!

Cover Madness continues! Voting is over for the September/October covers. Next up are the November/December covers. Pick your favorite from each group — let us know your favorites in the comments! Come back next week to see which covers advance to the next round. Read the Cover Madness rules here.   Click...

Reviews of 2019 Mind the Gap Award winners

Not all deserving books bring home ALA awards. Our annual Mind the Gap Awards pay tribute to our favorite books that didn’t win. Here’s how we reviewed our 2019 winners.   A Parade of Elephants by Kevin Henkes; illus. by the author Preschool    Greenwillow    40 pp.    g 9/18    978-0-06-266827-1    $18.99...

Reviews of 2019 Boston Globe–Horn Book Picture Book Award Winner and Honor Books

Picture Book Winner The Patchwork Bikeby Maxine Beneba Clarke; illus. by Van Thanh RuddPrimary    Candlewick    40 pp.9/18    978-1-5362-0031-7    $15.99A child in an unnamed “village where we live inside our mud-for-walls home” describes the diversions of daily life: “whooping and shrieking and laughing” on the sand hill, exploring the desert, and...

Pi Day 2019

Today is Pi Day (get it? March 14? 3/14? 3.14...?). To celebrate, here are two recent picture books about pie (and sharing and social justice and community and...). March being Women's History Month, check out these two recommended booklists about women in STEM and computing; this Notes from the Horn Book piece...

Review of The Mad Wolf's Daughter audiobook

The Mad Wolf’s Daughterby Diane Magras; read by Joshua ManningIntermediate, Middle School    Listening Library    Rev. 7/186 CDs    6.62 hrs.    978-0-525-53134-0    $50.00Drest is determined to free her captured older brothers and father from Faintree Castle, where they soon will be hanged, and she means to use the young knight she rescued...

Review of Before the Devil Breaks You: A Diviners Novel audiobook

Before the Devil Breaks You: A Diviners Novelby Libba Bray; read by January LaVoyHigh School    Listening Library    Rev. 3/1817 CDs    21.35 hrs.    978-0-449-80883-2    $70.00LaVoy reprises her excellent narration for this third volume in the series starring a diverse group of teens with extrasensory abilities in 1920s New York City. Here...

Review of Very, Very, Very Dreadful: The Influenza Pandemic of 1918 audiobook

Very, Very, Very Dreadful: The Influenza Pandemic of 1918by Albert Marrin; read by Jim FrangioneMiddle School, High School    Listening Library    Rev. 3/185 CDs    5.75 hrs.    978-1-525-52609-4    $45.00Marrin’s account of the flu pandemic that killed millions of people during World War I, plus modern-day efforts to identify that strain and prevent...

Reviews of the 2019 Caldecott Award winners

WinnerHello Lighthouseby Sophie Blackall; illus. by the authorPrimary    Little, Brown    48 pp.    g4/18    978-0-316-36238-2    $18.99e-book ed.  978-0-316-36237-5    $9.99Blackall’s (Finding Winnie, rev. 9/15) picture book opens as a new keeper arrives to take up his solitary duties at a lighthouse “on the highest rock of a tiny island at the edge...

Reviews of the 2019 Belpré Illustrator Award winners

Winner Dreamersby Yuyi Morales; illus. by the authorPrimary Porter/Holiday 40 pp.9/18 978-0-8234-4055-9 $18.99e-book ed. 978-0-8234-4125-9 $18.99Spanish ed. 978-0-8234-4258-4 $18.99Two pairs of eyes shine from the cover of Morales’s book — the infant’s eyes brilliant with curiosity, his mother’s gaze pensive. These two “migrantes” arrive on “the other side, / thirsty,...

Reviews of the 2019 Belpré Author Award winners

Winner The Poet Xby Elizabeth AcevedoHigh School     HarperTeen     361 pp.     g3/18     978-0-06-266280-4     $17.99e-book ed. 978-0-06-266282-8     $9.99Fifteen-year-old Xiomara, whose name means “one who is ready for war,” has been fighting her whole life. The self-described “brown and big and angry” Dominican girl from Harlem furiously confronts catcalling...

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