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26 Results for: hbmnov11

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March Madness: Pick Your Favorite November/December Horn Book Magazine Cover!

Cover Madness continues! Voting is over for the September/October covers. Next up are the November/December covers. Pick your favorite from each group — let us know your favorites in the comments! Come back next week to see which covers advance to the next round. Read the Cover Madness rules here.   Click...

Nonfiction Notes from the Horn Book

Nonfiction Notes from the Horn Book was a quarterly supplement to our monthly e-newsletter Notes from the Horn Book. Nonfiction Notes provided recommendations of recently published nonfiction books, by topic, across grade levels, ability levels, and all areas of interest. All reviews are from The Horn Book Guide. The Common Core State Standards Initiative...

Reviews of select books written and/or illustrated by Melissa Sweet

The Right Word: Roget and His Thesaurusby Jen Bryant; illus. by Melissa SweetPrimary    Eerdmans    48 pp.9/14    978-0-8028-5385-1    $17.50Apt language and ingenious imagery combine to tell the life story of Peter Mark Roget, creator of the thesaurus. A solitary, though not unhappy, child, Roget spends his time keeping lists and ordering...

Countdown audiobook review

Countdownby Deborah Wiles; read by Emma GalvinMiddle School     Listening Library     Rev. 5/106 CDs     7.3 hrs.     978-0-3078-7967-7     $40.00Eleven-year-old Air Force brat Franny Chapman stars in Wiles’s documentary novel about shifting friendships, first crushes, and family loyalty, set during the volatile days of the Cuban Missile Crisis. In this audio...

Review of The No. 1 Car Spotter

The No. 1 Car Spotterby Atinuke; illus. by Warwick Johnson CadwellPrimary, Intermediate    Kane Miller    112 pp.9/11    Paper ed.  978-1-61067-051-7    $5.99Oluwalase Babatunde Benson, called No. 1, is the best car spotter in his African village. His unnamed country has cities and towns with skyscrapers, hotels, offices, tap water, electricity, and televisions,...

Review of Bluefish

Bluefishby Pat SchmatzMiddle School    Candlewick    229 pp.9/11    978-0-7636-5334-7    $15.99e-book ed.  978-0-7636-5614-0    $15.99“Stupid bluefish” Travis Roberts finds “lowlife trailer-trash loser” Vida “Velveeta” Wojciehowski in a lovely, understated book that celebrates the possibility of a kind and humane friendship between an eighth-grade girl and boy. Travis and Velveeta meet while both are...

O Christmas Books!

I was the type of kid who lingered in stairwells trying to overhear adult conversation and who sneaked downstairs to catch my babysitter making out with her boyfriend. As a six-year-old, I blew Santa’s cover after noticing that “his” handwriting on gift labels was just like my dad’s. My mother was...

Review of First Day on Earth

First Day on Earthby Cecil CastellucciMiddle School, High School    Scholastic    150 pp.11/11    978-0-545-06082-0    $17.99“Why is the hardest question in the world to answer.” And sixteen-year-old Mal (short for Malcolm) asks why a lot: Why did his father leave? Why did his mother fall apart? Why did aliens abduct him, probe...

Review of The Annotated Phantom Tollbooth

The Annotated Phantom Tollboothby Norton Juster; illus. by Jules Feiffer; annotated by Leonard S. MarcusKnopf    284 pp.10/11   978-0-375-85715-7   $29.99Library ed. 978-0-375-95715-4   $32.99If ever there were a twentieth-century children’s book that deserved an annotated edition, it’s Juster and Feiffer’s masterpiece, first published fifty years ago. Filled with...

Review of Subway Story

Subway Storyby Julia Sarcone-Roach; illus. by the authorPrimary    Knopf    40 pp.10/11    978-0-375-85859-8    $16.99Library ed.  978-0-375-95859-5    $19.99Sarcone-Roach displays a discipline not always seen in books about the environment; she allows her theme of reuse and recycling to emerge naturally from a fine story and lets readers draw their own conclusions without...

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