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5 Results for: hbmnov10

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March Madness: Pick Your Favorite November/December Horn Book Magazine Cover!

Cover Madness continues! Voting is over for the September/October covers. Next up are the November/December covers. Pick your favorite from each group — let us know your favorites in the comments! Come back next week to see which covers advance to the next round. Read the Cover Madness rules here.   Click...

Reviews of Suzanne Collins's Hunger Games trilogy

The Hunger Games [Hunger Games]by Suzanne CollinsMiddle School, High School     Scholastic      374 pp.10/08     978-0-439-02348-1      $17.99Survivor meets “The Lottery” as the author of the popular Underland Chronicles returns with what promises to be an even better series. The United States is no more, and the new Capitol, high in the...

Outside Over Where?: Foreign Picture Books and the Dream of Global Awareness

It's a small world after all. Or then again, maybe not. A stroll through the exhibition halls at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair, the world’s largest annual international gathering of publishers of books for young people, presents a decidedly mixed picture. With English being the default business language of the...

Enchanted and Unawares

by Susan CooperRoger’s query [about snow day reading] sent me back to John Masefield’s The Box of Delights, the book that always had the magic of a snowy English Christmas for me — snow being by no means certain in southern England, where Masefield (and I) lived, and therefore extra...

Snowbound with Lady Dedlock

By Mary Downing HahnSnow…days and days of snow falling thick and heavy, blotting out the neighbors’ houses, blurring the horizon so I can’t tell where the earth ends and the sky begins. Snow so deep I can’t go to the mailbox, drifts of snow piling up against the fence, blocking...

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