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3 Results for: hbmnov05

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March Madness: Pick Your Favorite November/December Horn Book Magazine Cover!

Cover Madness continues! Voting is over for the September/October covers. Next up are the November/December covers. Pick your favorite from each group — let us know your favorites in the comments! Come back next week to see which covers advance to the next round. Read the Cover Madness rules here.   Click...

Reviews of selected books by Marla Frazee

Roller Coasterby Marla Frazee; illus. by the authorPreschool, Primary     Harcourt     32 pp.5/03     0-15-204554-6     $16.00Once a roller coaster is all loaded up, and the operator releases the brake to start the cars slowly chugging up the first hill, that’s that. “Now it is too late for anyone to change their mind,”...

What’s So Funny, Mr. Scieszka? — The Zena Sutherland Lecture

The voice flew across the room and nailed me to the back of my seat.“What’s so funny, Mr. Scieszka?”The voice belonged to Sister Margaret Ann. And it had just flown across our fifth-grade religion class at St. Luke’s Elementary School to find me in what I had thought was the...

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