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8 Results for: hbmnov01

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November/December Cover Madness Winner!

Congratulations to Art Spiegelman's 2001 November/December Horn Book Magazine cover!    ...

November/December Cover Madness, Round 3!

The votes are in for the second round of November/December Cover Madness, and we move on to round 3! Pick your favorite of the final two choices — let us know your choice in the comments! Come back next week to see which cover was voted the winning November/December cover from the last twenty-four years! ...

November/December Cover Madness, Round 2!

The votes are in for the first round of November/December Cover Madness, and we move on to round 2! Pick your favorite from each group — let us know your choices in the comments! Come back next week to see which covers advance to the next round. Read the Cover Madness rules here....

March Madness: Pick Your Favorite November/December Horn Book Magazine Cover!

Cover Madness continues! Voting is over for the September/October covers. Next up are the November/December covers. Pick your favorite from each group — let us know your favorites in the comments! Come back next week to see which covers advance to the next round. Read the Cover Madness rules here.   Click...

Childhood, Stories, and Politics

by Vera B. WilliamsOne of my childhood pleasures was riding on my father’s shoulders to see and be part of the great crowds gathered for the May 1st international workers’ celebration that was socialist in origin and long preceded our Labor Day. I also took part in the traditional May...

The Needle in the Nightlight

In a book called Zero to Lazy Eight: The Romance of Numbers, the chapter on the number seven includes this paragraph:In both the Roman Catholic Church and the Islamic faith, seven is the age of reason. Muslims below that age are not expected to observe the rituals of prayer and...

The Republic of Heaven

What happens to the Kingdom of Heaven when the King dies? And what has this to do with children’s literature?Children’s books, as readers of this journal are well aware, are capable of expressing just about any idea, and illuminating just about any subject. Well, I certainly haven’t read all the...

Escalating Offenses

“I admit I’ve made mistakes, but I’m not a bad human being.”It was a phrase I heard dozens of times during the series of prison interviews I conducted. The young, articulate man who sat on the opposite side of the long table had gunned down two guards in a botched...

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