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7 Results for: hbmjul09

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March Madness: Pick Your Favorite July/August Horn Book Magazine Cover!

Cover Madness continues! Voting is over for the May/June covers. Next up are the July/August covers. Pick your favorite from each group — let us know your favorites in the comments! Come back next week to see which covers advance to the next round. Read the Cover Madness rules here.   Click on any...

Profile of 2009 Wilder Award winner Ashley Bryan

By Caitlyn DlouhyIn a recent interview, Ashley Bryan was asked to name a favorite time in his life. Without a pause, he smiled his dazzling smile and exclaimed, “Right now!” At that particular Right Now, Ashley was sitting on a hard plastic chair in a closet-sized studio, portrait lights surely...

Review of Umbrella Summer

Umbrella Summerby Lisa GraffIntermediate     Geringer/HarperCollins     236 pp.6/09     978-0-06-143187-6     $15.99Library ed. 978-0-06-143188-3     $16.89With the same deftness she demonstrated in The Thing About Georgie (rev. 3/07), Graff immediately engages the reader with the main character. Here’s Annie Richards, about to ride her bike to the local drug store....

Speaking Out

by Nikki GrimesI’ve met a good many people who have served on Caldecott committees over the years, all lovely men and women, to be sure. A few of them I’ve even had the pleasure to call friends. I appreciate their tireless service to the children’s book community. But I have...

Ashley Bryan's 2009 Wilder Medal Acceptance

By Ashley BryanYou are my people!I grew up in New York City, in the Bronx. My home was in four- and five-story tenement apartment buildings. We knew everyone in these apartments, and everyone looked after everyone as family. That is what I mean when I say you are my people....

Review of If I Stay

If I Stay by Gayle FormanHigh School     199 pp.     Dutton4/09     978-0-525-42103-0      $16.99What begins as the gift of a rare snow day in Portland, Oregon, turns suddenly into nightmare. Seventeen-year-old Mia drives off with her family on the unexpected holiday. A sudden explosion of metal, and Mia is looking at her...

Kadir Nelson, We Are the Ship

Coretta Scott King Author Award Acceptance for We Are the ShipBy Kadir NelsonIt is such a thrill to be here in Chicago with you. This distinguished group of librarians, teachers, booksellers, and book lovers revere books for young people so passionately that every year you gather to celebrate your favorites...

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