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4 Results for: hbmjul05

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March Madness: Pick Your Favorite July/August Horn Book Magazine Cover!

Cover Madness continues! Voting is over for the May/June covers. Next up are the July/August covers. Pick your favorite from each group — let us know your favorites in the comments! Come back next week to see which covers advance to the next round. Read the Cover Madness rules here.   Click on any...

Reviews of Louise Erdrich's Birchbark House series

The Birchbark Houseby Louise Erdrich ; illus. by the authorIntermediate     Hyperion     235 pp.5/99     0-7868-0300-2      $14.99     gLibrary edition ISBN 0-7868-2241-4      $15.49With a title and structure that inescapably recall Laura Ingalls Wilder’s family stories, Louise Erdrich here paints a detailed portrait of Ojibwa life in the mid-nineteenth century. Seven-year-old Omakayas...

The Beaten Path: Ordinary Joes

By Nell BeramLast year, I wrote that there was a dearth of middle-grade series novels in which mortal girls took on supernatural villains (there were plenty in which boys battled the same). This year’s endangered species seems to be boy-centered middle-grade series that don’t rely on encounters with the supernatural...

Kevin Henkes — Twenty-five Years

by Susan HirschmanI am lucky. Over the past twenty-five years, I have known Kevin Henkes as a very young author, a new husband, a brand-new father, a newly successful author-artist, an experienced father, an extremely successful author and supremely successful author-artist, a non-temperamental star on business trips, a joyous companion...

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