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3 Results for: erin k. robinson

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Review of The Magical Snowflake

The Magical Snowflake by Bernette Ford; illus. by Erin K. Robinson Preschool, Primary    Boxer Books    32 pp. 10/23    978191412221    $18.99 In this atmospheric picture book, set during a bitterly cold day, Ori wishes for snow, and just like that a snowflake falls from the sky and lands on her nose....

Preview November/December 2023 Horn Book Magazine

Cover art by Erin K. Robinson from The Magical Snowflake, written by Bernette Ford. The Zena Sutherland Lecture: An excerpt from Zetta Elliott’s “‘I Am Myrtilla’s Daughter’: Weaving Scotland, Slavery, and Siths into Historical Fantasies. The Writer’s Page: Laurel Snyder on seeking her own Jewish life in books. New for...

Review of A Library

A Library by Nikki Giovanni ; illus. by Erin K. Robinson Primary     Versify/HarperCollins    32 pp.     g9/22     978-0-358-38765-7     $18.99 In this picture-book celebration of libraries and reading, poet Giovanni writes about the Carnegie Library, which she regularly visited as a child. Robinson’s digital art resembles vibrant collages...

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