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16 Results for: erin entrada kelly

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Review of The First State of Being

The First State of Being by Erin Entrada KellyIntermediate, Middle School    Greenwillow    272 pp.3/24    9780063337312    $19.99e-book ed.  9780063337336    $9.99It’s the summer of 1999. Twelve-year-old Delawarean Michael has worries, chief among them the approach of Y2K. What if everything falls apart? Family finances are precarious, so he’s amassing a stash of...

Blowing the Horn: I'm Here Too

A fifth grader once told me — with all the blunt honesty that comes with being a ten-year-old — that her mother didn’t like any of my books. “I like your books, but she doesn’t. We just read You Go First and she didn’t like that one, either,” this girl...

Publishers' Preview: Books in the Middle: Five Questions for Erin Entrada Kelly

This interview originally appeared in the January/February 2024 Horn Book Magazine as part of the Publishers’ Previews: Books in the Middle, an advertising supplement that allows participating publishers a chance to each highlight a book from its current list. They choose the books; we ask the questions. Sponsored by The First State of...

Review of Only Only Marisol Rainey

Only Only Marisol Rainey by Erin Entrada Kelly; illus. by the authorPrimary, Intermediate    Greenwillow    160 pp.5/23    9780062970480    $18.99e-book ed.  9780062970503    $10.99In her third adventure, Marisol (Maybe Maybe Marisol Rainey, rev. 5/21, and sequel) helps her friend Felix learn to ride a bicycle, navigates her best friend Jada’s jealousy that Marisol...

Review of Surely Surely Marisol Rainey

Surely Surely Marisol Rainey by Erin Entrada Kelly; illus. by the author Primary, Intermediate    Greenwillow    160 pp.   g 8/22    978-0-06-297045-9    $16.99 e-book ed.  978-0-06-297047-3    $10.99 Marisol, the anxious heroine of Maybe Maybe Marisol Rainey (rev. 5/21), makes lists of favorite and least favorite things, with gym class—specifically the kickball...

After the Call: On the Bookmark

In late 2018, I visited my local library to satisfy a very specific book mood. I wanted a rich, immersive, pitch-perfect middle-grade novel. I strolled to the children’s section and scanned the shelves. But there were so many choices! I needed a vetting process. Recommendations, maybe. I went to the...

Review of Those Kids from Fawn Creek

Those Kids from Fawn Creek by Erin Entrada KellyMiddle School    Greenwillow    336 pp.    g3/22    978-0-06-297035-0    $17.99e-book ed.  978-0-06-297037-4    $10.99Fawn Creek, Louisiana, is such a small town that there are only twelve students in seventh grade. Even with such a limited pool, however, the kids manage to create discrete cohorts. The...

Review of Maybe Maybe Marisol Rainey

Maybe Maybe Marisol Rainey by Erin Entrada Kelly; illus. by the author Primary, Intermediate    Greenwillow    160 pp.    g 5/21    978-0-06-297042-8    $16.99 e-book ed.  978-0-06-297044-2    $8.99 Kelly (Newbery medalist for Hello, Universe, rev. 3/17, and honoree for We Dream of Space, rev. 5/20) reaches out to a younger audience in an...

Review of We Dream of Space

 We Dream of Space by Erin Entrada Kelly Intermediate, Middle School    Greenwillow    392 pp.    g 5/20    978-0-06-274730-3    $16.99 e-book ed.  978-0-06-274732-7    $9.99 In the foreground of this novel are three siblings. Twelve-year-old Fitch lives for video games and is angry through and through. His twin sister Bird is an amiable,...

Publishers' Preview: Diversity Five Ways: Five Questions for Erin Entrada Kelly

This interview originally appeared in the May/June 2020 Horn Book Magazine as part of the Publishers’ Previews: Diversity Five Ways, an advertising supplement that allows participating publishers a chance to each highlight a book from its current list. They choose the books; we ask the questions. Sponsored by Three siblings,...

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