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8 Results for: elisha cooper

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Review of Emma Full of Wonders

Emma Full of Wonders by Elisha Cooper; illus. by the authorPreschool, Primary    Roaring Brook    40 pp.4/24    9781250884763    $18.99e-book ed.  9781250375889    $11.99“Emma was a large dog with many small dreams.” She dreams about her favorite things, such as rolling in the grass and splashing in water. In Cooper’s (most recently Yes...

Yes & No

In my previous post about Matthew Cordell’s Bear Island, I noted that I had been on the 2018 Caldecott Committee, which picked Cordell's Wolf in the Snow as our medal winner. Now I’m looking at Elisha Cooper’s new book, Yes & No, and his Big Cat, Little Cat was one of our honor...

Review of Yes & No

Yes & No by Elisha Cooper; illus. by the author Preschool, Primary    Roaring Brook    40 pp.    g 4/21    978-1-250-25733-8    $18.99 Cooper brings readers the sweet tale of a cat and a dog, different as can be, illustrated in the same unfussy, ­minimalistic style as his Caldecott Honor–­winning Big Cat, Little...


Elisha Cooper’s River is the story of a woman who travels the length of the Hudson River by canoe. She starts one morning at a mountain lake (the book’s backmatter tells us it’s New York’s Henderson Lake), waves goodbye to her family, and heads downstream: “Three hundred miles stretch in front of her....

Elisha Cooper Talks with Roger

Talks with Roger is a sponsored supplement to our free monthly e-newsletter, Notes from the Horn Book. To receive Notes, sign up here. Sponsored by I always think of Elisha Cooper as an artist who does a lot with a little (see Big Cat, Little Cat), but in River he does a lot with a...

Review of River

River by Elisha Cooper; illus. by the author Primary    Orchard/Scholastic    48 pp.    g 10/19    978-1-338-31226-3    $18.99 A woman says goodbye to her family and begins a three-hundred-mile canoe journey down a river. "In her canoe: tent, sleeping bag, guidebook, map, life jacket, first-aid kit, waterproof duffle with food, clothes, water...

Big Cat, Little Cat

Julie's post this week about Egg by Kevin Henkes took me back to my own Caldecott experience when Henkes won for Kitten's First Full Moon.Here is another book that, like Kitten's First Full Moon, is mostly black-and-white and has minimal text. Like Henkes, Cooper's no-frills drawing style uses deceptively simple...

The quiet Train

As in most train books, Elisha Cooper talks about the great size of trains and the sounds they make. But Cooper doesn't make a big effort to sell the excitement of trains. Rather, he seems to be standing back and observing closely, never giving in to the obvious. This is a...

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