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3 Results for: clement hurd

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The Book That Changed My Life: Hearts So Full

Asking me to write about a book that changed my life is like asking me to choose just one star. Hundreds have changed me, each shining its own light, each from its own station in the firmament, all of those stations slowly whirling so I see them from new vantage...

On Cynthia Voigt's "Have a Carrot" (from March/April 1997)

“High on the list of favorite read-aloud books in the house where I was the Mommy is The Runaway Bunny.”Newbery Medalist (for Dicey's Song) Cynthia Voigt reflects on the classic picture book by Margaret Wise Brown in her article, "Have a Carrot," published in 1997 in the Horn Book Magazine...

"Have a Carrot"

by Cynthia VoigtI don’t know that my children would agree — and I am not consulting them to find out — but high on the list of favorite read-aloud books in the house where I was the Mommy is The Runaway Bunny. As a mother, as a pillow to the...

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