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3 Results for: clare vanderpool

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After the Call: Stories in a Bottle

I can only appreciate what winning the Newbery for Moon over Manifest means in the context of what it means to be a writer. And for me, writing is all about relationship. This may seem strange since writing is such a solitary endeavor. But it is fundamentally and profoundly relational....

Five Questions for Clare Vanderpool

 With Clare, her being from Kansas and writing about Kansas and loving Kansas and all, I got to reminisce about Mike Printz, who ran an oral history project with his Topeka West High teens, documenting the lives of famous Kansans. (We did an SLJ article together called "E.T.'s Mom Phones...

Who in the World Is Clare Vanderpool?

It was a dark and stormy night. The little car twisted and turned through the howling wind as it raced through the rapidly flooding streets of Wichita, hoping desperately to make it to the hospital in time. It was November 6, 1964. Okay, so maybe it wasn’t dark or stormy,...

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