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8 Results for: carole lindstrom

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Blowing the Horn: Toot and Shout

Happy Anniversary, Horn Book! It’s been pure joy to watch you grow over the years. I read you voraciously as I honed my writing craft. And now I jump for joy to see my books so thoughtfully reviewed by you. I learned so much from you as an aspiring kidlit...

Review of Autumn Peltier, Water Warrior

Autumn Peltier, Water Warrior by Carole Lindstrom; illus. by Bridget GeorgePrimary    Roaring Brook    40 pp.9/23    9781250795274    $18.99Lindstrom (We Are Water Protectors, rev. 7/20; My Powerful Hair, rev. 3/23) introduces the mission of contemporary Indigenous water activist Autumn Peltier and her great-aunt, the late Josephine Henriette Mandamin (both Anishinaabe). The lyrical...

Publishers' Preview: Fall 2023: Five Questions for Carole Lindstrom and Bridget George

This interview originally appeared in the September/October 2023 Horn Book Magazine as part of the Publishers’ Previews: Fall 2023, an advertising supplement that allows participating publishers a chance to each highlight a book from its current list. They choose the books; we ask the questions. Sponsored by In Autumn Peltier, Water Warrior,...

Review of My Powerful Hair

My Powerful Hair by Carole Lindstrom; illus. by Steph LittlebirdPrimary    Abrams    48 pp.3/23    9781419759437    $18.99e-book ed.  9781647005740    $15.54“Our ancestors say / Our hair is our memories. / Our source of strength.” Lindstrom’s (author of Caldecott winner We Are Water Protectors, rev. 7/20, and an enrolled citizen of the Turtle Mountain...

A Conversation with Michaela Goade

Photo credit: Sydney Akagi. Michaela Goade is the illustrator of We Are Water Protectors (written by Carole Lindstrom, and published by Roaring Brook), the winner of the 2021 Randolph Caldecott Medal. Julie Danielson interviewed Michaela via email for Calling Caldecott.  Calling Caldecott: What was your first conversation with Carole Lindstrom like...

2021 Caldecott Medal Acceptance by Michaela Goade

Lingít x’éináx yéi xat duwasáakw Sheit.een, Dleit káa x'éináx ku.aa Michaela Goade. Kiks.ádix xat sitee. Shdéen Hít yóo duwasáakw haa naakahídi. Ax éesh hás Kaagwaantaan. Sheet’káa yéi xat yatee. In Tlingit my name is Sheit.een, and in English my name is Michaela Goade. I am of the Kiks.ádi clan. Our clan house is called...

Review of We Are Water Protectors

We Are Water Protectors by Carole Lindstrom; illus. by Michaela Goade Primary    Roaring Brook    40 pp.    g 3/20    978-1-250-20355-7    $17.99 The book opens with a young Indigenous girl collecting water with her grandmother, who tells her that “water is the first medicine.” Vibrant blues, greens, and purples depict the river...

Publishers' Preview: Spring 2020: Five Questions for Carole Lindstrom & Michaela Goade

This interview originally appeared in the March/April 2020 Horn Book Magazine as part of the Publishers’ Previews: Spring 2020, an advertising supplement that allows participating publishers a chance to each highlight a book from its current list. They choose the books; we ask the questions. Sponsored by We Are Water...

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