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2 Results for: augusta savage

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Review of Augusta Savage: The Shape of a Sculptor's Life

Augusta Savage: The Shape of a Sculptor’s Life by Marilyn Nelson Middle School, High School    Ottaviano/Little, Brown    160 pp.    g 1/22    978-0-316-29802-5    $18.99 e-book ed.  978-0-316-29822-3    $9.99 Despite her prominence during the Harlem Renaissance, sculptor Augusta Savage (1892–1962) remains largely unknown to younger generations. Through her accomplished verse, Nelson (My...

Five questions for Marilyn Nelson

Through poetry that is captivating, evocative, and informative, Marilyn Nelson introduces readers to the life, work, and legacy of a prominent Harlem Renaissance sculptor in Augusta Savage: The Shape of a Sculptor’s Life (12 years and up, Ottaviano/Little, Brown). See also our Black History Month and Black History Month 2022 coverage....

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