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3 Results for: William Steig

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William Steig's Horn Book Magazine cover

William Steig's Horn Book Magazine coverfrom November/December 1986 through September/October 1987...

William Steig letter to Paul Heins (June, 1970)

June 12, ’70Dear Mr. Heins -I hope you’ll understand if I tell you that I tend to be a bit “uptight”, even neurotic perhaps, about being edited. It’s not vanity — I don’t think I’m a great writer, or even a good one (in fact, I’m not a writer) —...

William Steig Letters to Paul Heins (May 1970)

May 10, ’70Dear Mr. Heins,Bob Kraus just read your letter to me (the one about my Caldecott acceptance speech) over the phone. I’m afraid now that in addition to having to make a speech, which for me will be like walking on red hot embers & broken glass, I will...

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