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8 Results for: Shawn Harris

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Review of The Teeny-Weeny Unicorn

The Teeny-Weeny Unicorn by Shawn Harris; illus. by the authorPrimary    Knopf    48 pp.2/24    9780593571880    $18.99Library ed.  9780593571897    $21.99e-book ed.  9780593571903    $10.99The title page of this adventure features both a unicorn and a rainbow, but things quickly shift from cutesy to a more absurd and sidelong tone. The unnamed teeny-weeny unicorn...

Review of The First Cat in Space and the Soup of Doom

The First Cat in Space and the Soup of Doom by Mac Barnett; illus. by Shawn HarrisPrimary, Intermediate    Tegen/HarperCollins    272 pp.10/23    9780063084117    $16.99e-book ed.  9780063084131    $11.99Following The First Cat in Space Ate Pizza (rev. 7/22) is an elaborate and emotionally sincere graphic novel that fortunately retains much of the oddball...

Review of The First Cat in Space Ate Pizza

The First Cat in Space Ate Pizza by Mac Barnett; illus. by Shawn HarrisPrimary, Intermediate    Tegen/HarperCollins    320 pp.   g5/22    978-0-06-308408-7    $15.99e-book ed.  978-0-06-308410-0    $10.99What began as an online storytelling experiment between Barnett and Harris during COVID-19 has been adapted into a graphic novel. This wacky space opera follows a...

The 2022 Caldecott Announcement

                               The winner is Watercress, written by Andrea Wang, illustrated by Jason Chin, edited by Neal Porter, and published by Holiday House. Let's just sit with that cover a minute as we remember the impressive strengths of...

Have You Ever Seen a Flower?

If there were a comic about my first sighting of Shawn Harris’s Have You Ever Seen a Flower?, it would show my eyes as wide as the child’s on the cover, my mouth open far enough to be visible through a mask, and an oversized cumulus-style thought cloud floating above,...

Review of Have You Ever Seen a Flower?

Have You Ever Seen a Flower? by Shawn Harris; illus. by the author Preschool, Primary    Chronicle    48 pp.    g 5/21    978-1-4521-8270-4    $17.99 e-book ed.  978-1-4521-8292-6    $11.99 The child in Harris’s pencil illustrations first appears as a bright patch of color within a grayscale cityscape and then emerges into a rainbow...

Review of Everyone's Awake

Everyone’s Awake by Colin Meloy; illus. by Shawn Harris Primary    Chronicle    48 pp. 3/20    978-1-4521-7805-9    $17.99 Meloy and Harris depict one family’s anarchical bedtime routine within their ramshackle lighthouse-esque domicile. ­Rollicking rhymes, narrated by a young family member, set the scene: “We all got / tucked in early. / A...

Her Right Foot

Dave Eggers’s Her Right Foot, illustrated by debut artist Shawn Harris and clocking in at over a hundred pages, is a picture book receiving a fair amount of Newbery buzz. Heavy Medal, School Library Journal’s mock Newbery blog, has placed the book on their long list. In two separate posts they, and...

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