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7 Results for: Robert McCloskey

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Robert McCloskey: The Art of Wonder Exhibit

“Robert McCloskey: The Art of Wonder,” currently on display at the Curtis Memorial Library in Brunswick, Maine, through October 15, 2023, makes for a delightful daytrip from the Boston area. This past weekend, I attended one of the exhibit events, a reading of Blueberries for Sal by Sally McCloskey herself....

“Kuplink, kuplank, kuplunk!”

Every year, my family eagerly awaits a classic sign of summer in Maine. We look along roadsides, on rocky slopes, and in sunny patches of open fields, hoping to see a bright spot of blue. It has to be a tiny bright spot, though, as those are true wild blueberries....

Happy holidays from The Horn Book!

I dusted off the old party-planning hat for The Horn Book's holiday celebration last week — the first outing since my return to the HB in October. This year's outing was a hybrid lunch/field trip to the Museum of Fine Arts. There was delicious food (and wine!) at the MFA's...

Happy 75th anniversary, Make Way for Ducklings!

Robert McCloskey’s Make Way for Ducklings doesn’t fly off the shelves in most places, as far as I know. It wasn’t a huge part of my Albany, New York childhood. It isn’t a flashy book, a colorful book, a rhyming book, or — let’s face it — a conveniently short...

Robert McCloskey at 100

Robert McCloskey was to the mid-twentieth-century American picture book what Norman Rockwell was to the illustrated magazine of that era: the artist most adept at divining the mythic dimension in the dramas of everyday life, and at crafting iconic images of a particular time and place with the power to...

Bob McCloskey, Inventor

by Marc SimontShould the recession get serious, a good inexpensive way for a tired man to find release from his tensions would be to go for a spin in Grampa Hercules’ Hide-a-Ride Machine.Bob McCloskey’s talent for devising mechanical contraptions is topped only by his ability to turn out books that...

Robert McCloskey interviewed by Anita Silvey

      This program originally aired on National Public Radio in July or August of 1986. The Radio Review was moderated by Anita Silvey and produced by Greg Fitzgerald.    Listen to the program.       Child’s voice: The Horn Book Radio Review, commentary on books for children...

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