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3 Results for: Laelia Mitchell

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Pick Your Favorite May/June Horn Book Magazine Cover!

Cover Madness continues! Voting is over for the March/April covers. Next up are the May/June covers. Pick your favorite from each group — let us know your favorites in the comments! Come back next week to see which covers advance to the next round. Read the Cover Madness rules here.   Click on any...

Horn Book Magazine Covers

Randolph Caldecott was The Horn Book Magazine‘s first — and for decades only — cover artist. Then in 1985 another picture book master, Maurice Sendak, took over the task for a few issues, leading the way for a whole new crop of talented contributors. Much of their work is on view...

Horn Book Magazine Cover Gallery

Randolph Caldecott was The Horn Book Magazine's first -- and for decades only -- cover artist. Then in 1985 another picture book master, Maurice Sendak, took over the task for a few issues, leading the way for a whole new crop of talented contributors. Much of their work is on...

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