Emily Brush

3 Articles

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Review of Echo

Echo by Adam Rex; illus. by the authorPrimary    Dial    48 pp.3/25    9780593699324    $19.99e-book ed.  9780593699331    $10.99Junior Junior, a young boy with blond hair and ruddy cheeks, lives on a rugged mountainside. He enjoys shouting self-affirming songs into the valley and hearing “Junior Junior is the greatest in the world!” echoed...

Review of Umami

Umami by Jacob Grant; illus. by the authorPrimary    Viking    40 pp.10/24    9780593624067    $18.99e-book ed.  9780593624081    $10.99“Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, the penguin village ate cold fish.” Umami, a brown and white penguin in a homogenous community, is bored with the monotonous meals of bland fish served in her colony. Craving new...

Review of Jonty Gentoo

Jonty Gentoo by Julia Donaldson; illus. by Axel SchefflerPrimary    Scholastic    40 pp.10/24    9781546134206    $18.99Jonty Gentoo is a young penguin who is content in his zoo home until his aunts’ tales of the South Pole awaken his desire to explore. “He longed for the snow / and he dreamed of the...

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