Reviews Of The Week

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Review of Bounce!: A Scientific History of Rubber

Bounce!: A Scientific History of Rubber by Sarah Albee; illus. by Eileen Ryan Ewen Primary    Charlesbridge    48 pp. 10/24    978623543792    $18.99 e-book ed.  9781632893574    $9.99 Inviting readers into this spirited book, a bouncing red-rubber ball generates a path leading from the initial endpapers to the first words of text. Here...

Review of The Curse of Madame Petrova

The Curse of Madame Petrova by Marjolijn Hof; illus. by Annette Fienieg; trans. from Dutch by Bill Nagelkerke Middle School    Em Querido/Levine Querido    272 pp. 9/24    9781646144532    $18.99 Silke and her twin brother, Janis, are fated to cause each other’s demise, or so predicted Madame Petrova when she read the...

Review of How We Share Cake

How We Share Cake by Kim Hyo-eun; illus. by the author; trans. from Korean by Deborah Smith Preschool, Primary    Scribble    56 pp. 10/24    9781957363851    $19.95 In this clever, humorous Korean import, a young girl describes how she and her two brothers and two sisters share things fairly. Snacks are divided...

Review of Virus Hunters: How Science Protects People When Outbreaks and Pandemics Strike

Virus Hunters: How Science Protects People When Outbreaks and Pandemics Strike by Amy Cherrix Intermediate, Middle School    Harper/HarperCollins    336 pp. 9/24    9780063069541    $19.99 e-book ed.  9780063069565    $9.99 Epidemiologists are scientists who study the causes, patterns, and control of diseases in groups of people. Positioning epidemiologists as forensic detectives, Cherrix examines...

Review of Lola

Lola by Karla Arenas Valenti; illus. by Islenia Mil Intermediate    Knopf    256 pp. 9/24    9780593177006    $17.99 Library ed.  9780593177013    $20.99 e-book ed.  9780593177020    $10.99 Lola, ten, lives in Mexico City in a house built around the Tree. The Tree is full of life, and spirit-like beings called chaneques protect it....

Review of My Daddy Is a Cowboy

My Daddy Is a Cowboy by Stephanie Seales; illus. by C. G. Esperanza Primary    Abrams    48 pp. 6/24    9781419760815    $18.99 e-book ed.  9781647006280    $17.09 A Panamanian American girl and her daddy get up before dawn to ride horses through their town in this atmospheric picture book that celebrates a close...

Review of Fast Cheetah, Slow Tortoise: Poems of Animal Opposites

Fast Cheetah, Slow Tortoise: Poems of Animal Opposites by Bette Westera; illus. by Mies van Hout; trans. from Dutch by David Colmer Primary    Eerdmans    40 pp. 9/24    9780802856357    $18.99 e-book ed.  9781467468657    $18.99 This quirky, inviting picture book–length poetry collection acts as a visual dictionary of opposites. Sixteen pairs of...

Review of The Doll Test: Choosing Equality

The Doll Test: Choosing Equality by Carole Boston Weatherford; illus. by David Elmo Cooper Primary    Carolrhoda    32 pp. 11/24    9781728477930    $18.99 This powerful picture book brings to life the essential research of psychologists Kenneth and Mamie Clark, whose work significantly influenced the fight against segregation, having concluded that “school segregation...

Review of Still Sal

Still Sal by Kevin Henkes; illus. by the author Primary    Greenwillow    256 pp. 10/24    9780063389625    $18.99 e-book ed.  9780063389649    $9.99 Sal Miller is six. Her life is changing so much that she tells Papa, “I’m not Sal anymore,” after her two-year-old sister, Poppy, moves into her bedroom. Sal “was a...
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